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   I wanted to be mad and hate Jet but I never felt hate or anything negitive when on the ocean and I liked it that way. I was actually quite at peace.

   "I don't trust, Jet." I finally told Zuko.

   "You don't trust anyone." He said and I rolled my eyes.

   "That's not what I mean." I said and twiddled my thumbs nervously. "When I was with my siblings we ran into him, we thought he was good but he wasn't. He wanted to kill off a whole village before the Fire Nation could raid it. Sokka and I saved them but still, if it weren't for us... He would have killed all those innocent people.
   Jet's not right in the head, he's a master manipulator or something, he got Katara to trust him, so Aang trusted him too."

   "What about what uncle said?" Zuko asked now it was his turn to look at the water. "You used to feel the same way about me." I sighed. "Or am I wrong?"

   The last part came out harsh and I did feel bad. "Zuko, you're nothing like, Jet." I replied and placed my hand on his cheek to make him look at me.

   He was right the way I felt about him, I hated him and Sora too, even Mirai. I didn't even know them yet I still hated them because of where they came from. I was such a jerk to both guys and if I had known Mirai longer I probably would have been a jerk to her too. I wondered what kind of person she was.
   Sora was nice when I first met him, he was respectful too and yet I froze him to a wall because of his background and where he came from.

   "Look I was mad at you, you came to raid our village and you know you would have hurt us if we didn't give you the Avatar." I said and he felt bad. "Zuko, that was then, before I really got to know you and all your problems. You don't hurt people unless they deserve it. Like not hurting that pregnant lady and her husband or when you saved Lee, even when Song offered us food I could see that you were thankful and saw how terrible the Fire Nation treats everyone.
Or when you gave that man what he deserved after he taunted and mocked your uncle, yes I was annoyed that you were so wreckless about it but you did it out of love. You have some love in that tiny cold heart of yours." I smiled lightly.

   "Kaida, I did hurt you, back in the North Pole." Zuko said his eyes looking past me before closing them, clearly ashamed and disappointed in himself.

   "Would you ever hurt me again?" I asked under my breath and he looked at me.

   I can't fully understand why I did what I did next. Maybe it was the calming sounds of the ocean or maybe I still did feel sad over Yoshiro's death and wanted to be distracted, maybe I was just using it to get him to believe me about Jet, or I just was using those as excuses to keep from admitting my true feelings, all I can really say now is that I was nervous.
   I pulled down the mask and placed my lips on his, they moved softly against each other. The night on the mountain came back, the electricity sparked between us, just as his lips moved slowly, trying to savor the sweet cold moment.
   He placed his hands on my hips pulling my body closer to his. I had one hands holding the back of his neck, playing with the hair, my other hand held the soft and warm part of his face and slowly the other hand began to travel to his face, the side where he had his burn. He grabbed my wrist and slowly intertwined his fingers with mine.
   His lips were softer than I remember, but warm as last time, instantly making me melt and hold onto his shirt. My heart was racing as the kiss continued and I didn't want to stop but eventually it came to an end.
   We pulled away panting lightly my eyes staying closed for a few seconds trying to savor the moment.

   "I don't plan on it." Zuko whispered and I opened my eyes to look at him.

   "I know." I said and he focused on my eyes. "You're over-protective and you care a bit too much." I teased with a smile but it fell.
   "Jet, wasn't like that with people he didn't care about anyone that he didn't already know....He attacked a helpless old man, he was Fire Nation but still, a defenseless traveler. He tried to lock up Sokka or something and he made Katara think that he actually liked her."

   "I understand." Zuko replied. "Go and eat, I'll make sure he doesn't bother us anymore."

   When Jet left I sat next to Iroh and started eating. I never knew how much I missed real food until now, the warm food was actually great. When I finished, Zuko came back and we talked before going to sleep. He fell asleep.

   I stared at him for a second, my lips began to tingle from the kiss. Was I really falling in love with Zuko?
   We've just been spending too much time together. How could I kiss him? On the ocean? Over the spirit of my past relationship. I can't actually be falling for him.
Can I?
I'm terrible.
   I sighed and lied on my back, my hand tucked under my head as I looked up at the dark sky. My eyes widened at the sight of Appa, I quickly got up with a gasp and stood up hearing Iroh gasp as well, he saw the bison too.

   "What's wrong?" Zuko asked as he sat up.

   "Nothing." I answered and laid back down, he laid down too closing his eyes. I sighed and closed my eyes, still feeling guilty for being happy about the kiss.


   In the morning I woke up and Zuko was gone, the ship was surrounded by fog and I joked with myself saying it was Yoshiro being mad over the kiss from last night which was stupid of me. I just wanted to feel less guilty about it.
   I got up and put on the mask before going to look for Zuko. I walked around and stopped when I saw him, Jet walked over so I hid behind a crate and listened.

   "You know, as soon as I saw your scar I knew exactly who you were." Jet said and I was going to throw him over board but then he finished. "You're an outcast, like me and us outcasts have to stick together. We have to watch each others back, because no one else will."

   If Zuko agreed I would be out there in the matter of seconds and kicked both their asses.

   "I realized something lately." Zuko said. "That being on your own isn't always the best path."

⇢ ⇢ ⇢

   Zuko left Jet and we had made it to the station, we waited in line.

   "So Miss. Natsumi, Mr. Lee and Mr...Uhhh....Mushy is it?" The lady checking our passports asked.

   "It's pronounced Mushi" Iroh corrected.

   "You telling me how to do my job?" The lady snapped.

   "Uh no, no." He walked up. He smiled at her. "But may I just say, you're like a flower in bloom, your beauty is intoxicating"

   "Mmm you're pretty easy on the eyes yourself handsome." She replied and made a flirtishly, 'rawr' "Welcome to Ba Sing Se."

   She passed our passports to him after stamping them and he gave them to us, Zuko snatched his away.

   "I'm gonna forget I saw that." Zuko said and I chuckled as we walked past the gates.

   "You're pretty easy on the eyes yourself, Prince Zuko." I whispered into Zuko's ear and he blushed.

   "Be quiet." He muttered over his hand hiding the blush. I chuckled as we continued to walk.

Edited; 11/05/20
Re-Edited; 7/10/21

Kaida Queen Of Ice <<ATLA; Book two: Earth>>Where stories live. Discover now