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"I am NOT sleeping on the floor! Or on those strings!" Fell said, "I will sleep standing up!"

"Whatever floats your boat, I guess... don't sleepwalk off of the cliff, and don't die got it?" Sci said,

"I won't sleepwalk!" Fell argued, Sci sighed and ignored Fell.

"I am not making a hammock for you." Error said, "Squid."

"Then we're doing a contest, I declare that I can stay awake the longest!" Ink cheered,

"It's on shortie!" Error teased, Ink said nothing and sat on the floor,

"Nightmare, will those two be okay?" Dream asked,

Nightmare's amulet glowed, "They should be..."

"Ok! I don't want anyone getting hurt!" Dream said once everyone's hammocks or beds were finished everyone except four monsters went to sleep.

"What are you doing awake?" Dust asked Blue,

"I can't sleep," Blue mumbled,

"My amulet is creepy and has a voice trying to mind control be so that's why I'm awake." Dust said,

"That was rather straightforward but uh I think you should be able to sleep- wait! I can use my amulet to purity your amulet so it gets rid of the voice!" Blue exclaimed,

"We could try that-"

"Can you guys shut up?! I'm trying to stay awake! Your mindless conversation is making me fall asleep!" Error growled,


Error groaned he needed to beat Ink!

Blue used a purify spell on Dust's amulet

"Woah! The voice is gone! Where did you learn that?" Dust asked,

"My town chooses amulet holders early, I only learned this spell though," Blue explained,

"That makes sense, I'm gonna sleep now goodnight!" Dust said, then he fell asleep. Blue did a few minutes later...

Who will win? Error or Ink? -Crow :D 

Amulets-An Untertale Multiship StoryWhere stories live. Discover now