Packing and Greeting,

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The first monster to greet Dream and Nightmare wore a gray T-shirt, he had blue eyes, gloves, and a scarf. He also had blue boots. He had black sweatpants and was talking to someone with a red scarf. Then the one with the blue scarf noticed Dream and Nightmare and left the one with a red scarf behind.
"Hello there! I'm Blue! I'm the monster who protects the amulet of Purity! What about you guys?" he asked, the amulet of Purity was a shining, white stone with small rainbow specks in it. Blue wore it as a necklace as most amulet holders did.
"Hello! I'm Dream, I protect the amulet of Positivity, my brother Nightmare, protects the amulet of Negativity, but he's not evil though! He's a great person!" Dream said,
"H-hello." Nightmare said,
"Hello! I'll introduce you to the rest of the group!" Blue said, he grabbed Dream and Nightmare and lead them towards the rest of the group.
"Are these new people?" A monster grumbled, he had a navy scarf, a black sweatshirt, black jeans, and a red T-shirt. He had mismatched eyes and strange blue lines coming from his eyes. He was laying on a hammock made of glowing, blue strings.
"Yeah! Dream and Nightmare!" Blue said,
"Great. More anomalies to annoy me." the monster grumbled,
"Error! Don't say that! It's rude!" Blue scolded
"So your names Error?" Nightmare asked,
"Yes. I don't want to talk to you unless if you share the same opinions that I have," Error grumbled Nightmare felt as if he could feel Error's negative emotions and goals. It seemed as if he wanted to leave and return to his kingdom.
"So you don't want to go on this quest? Yeah, I don't want to either." Nightmare told Error
"H-how did you know that?" Error snapped,
"It's easy to tell!" Nightmare told Error,
"Error, why do you have to be such a jerk? It's giving me a headache." Another monster said the monster had one red eye and a zig-zag scar under his eye. He wore black and white clothes covered in X's
"I come from the Destruction Kingdom Cross, were forced to be this way. Same with Fell except he's from a different kingdom." Error explained
The monochrome skeleton muttered something under his breath and walked away"That was Cross, any way you should get packed, I'll introduce everyone else later!" Blue said,
"Ok, thanks Blue!" Dream said
"Yeah, thanks." Nightmare said, then the two went to their house to get ready for the journey ahead of them.

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