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A few minutes later the group arrived at the town, everyone had split up to explore the town,

"What town is this?" Lust asked himself,

"This is the town of Marrowvill bruh, I'm Epic, I protect the amulet of memes bruh!" A voice said from behind,

Lust yelped before turning around, "Oh! Uh hi! I'm Lust the protector of the amulet of Kindness!" Lust quickly said,

"Nice bruh! You're the group that Toriel sent out right bruh?" Epic asked Epic's amulet was a color-changing prism that showed random memes, some old others new.

"Yep! We just got here, we all split up to explore this town! It's really cool!" Lust told Epic,

"Do you know where Cross went bruh? Were best friends bruh!" Epic asked,

"Cross went with Nightmare to look at the candle shop with Fell!" Lust told Epic, for a second Epic's face fell

"Ok bruh! Your bruhmazing!" Epic said before going to the candle store.

"Oi! Lust, who was that mate?" Horror asked,

Lust turned around to see Horror, "That was Epic, Cross' friend! He asked me where Cross was. But I don't think he likes the idea of Cross liking Nightmare..." Lust said,

"That's bad... hopefully, he doesn't kill Nightmare," Horror said,

"Yeah..." Lust said,

"Bruh! Cross!" Epic called out,

"Epic! What's up?" Cross said as he dashed over to Epic, Nightmare followed Cross,

"Nothing much bruh, and uh, who's that bruhtastic bruh over there?" Epic asked he was pointing to Nightmare

"H-Hi! I'm N-Nightmare I'm O-One of C-Cross' friends!" Nightmare said,

"Makes sense bruh, I'm Epic bruh! The protector of memes bruh!" Epic said,

"What's a meme?" Nightmare shyly asked,

"It's kinda like a trend bruh, it's funny pictures with funny captions the Sci bruh could explain them better, bruh" Epic explained,

"Th-That kind of makes sense, I'll ask Sc-Sci about it later, thanks though," Nightmare said,

"It's going to be 8 soon, we have to go, see you later Epic!" Cross said as he practically dragged Nightmare with him,

"Bye bruhtastic bruhs!" Epic called,

Nightmare shyly waved

when the two amulet protectors got back, Sci had a worried look on his face,

"Candle is coming soon." 

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