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"Wait what?" Nightmare gasped, Candle already knew where he was?

"Candle is coming! We NEED to leave!" Sci exclaimed,

"Well, where is everyone else?" Fell asked,

"HERE!" Dream yelled before he fell on the floor,

"Are you okay?" Killer asked,

"Yep" Dream said, still laying on the floor,

"Are you just gonna lay there like an awkward starfish?" Blue asked,

"Yep, I am the best awkward starfish." Dream said,

"Guys, we NEED to go! WE don't have time for your childish games!" Sci growled, he was signing something with his hands, well to the others it looked weird but to Fell, it was a message,

"Guys, come on, do you want to not live?" Fell growled,

"See! Even Fell agrees!" Sci said as he pointed to Fell,

"Fine." Dream said, he got up and shook the dirt off of his coat "So now where do we go?"

"We could go to Ummm... ok, I don't know, I was going to say Sancest City but we need to go into that one forest with the monster and human eating spiders, I don't want to die! Not yet!" Ink said,

"We could figure out how to use our amulets while walking to the forest, silent forest I think? Wait no, Afterdeath Forest!" Blue said,

"Yeah! Just how do we um... use them?" Geno asked,

"I dunno! We need to learn!" Blue said,

"I can't do that though," Geno grumbled,

"Everyone is capable of learning Geno." Lust said,

"Yeah, you're just lazy," Fell said

Geno groaned, "Fineee."

Sci sighed as he signaled the group to follow him, suddenly, Sci's amulet lit up, then it showed a map of where to go to get to Afterdeath forest, "That's never happened before, uhhhhh can I have a real copy?" he asked, then in Sci's hands were a map, "Well, I know how to use this now!"  

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