A Walk to Afterdeath Forest

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The walk to Afterdeath forest would take about a day, well, that's what Sci's magical map said.

"Hey, Geno, would you save me if a spider trapped me? Even though you 'hate' me," Reaper asked for the 100th time,

"For the last time Reaper, I would, not because I like, like, you it's because if I left you behind then everyone would hate me, and that would just be messed up," Geno said, glaring at Reaper,

"Awww, the bird likes me," Reaper said, Geno, glared at him,

"I'm NOT a bird," Geno growled, "If I was your eyelights would have been pecked out by now."

Reaper laughed, "But you sing like one,"

Geno blushed, "N-no I don't! I d-don't even s-sing!" he stuttered,

Reaper just laughed, finally deciding to leave him alone.

"Trying to get Geno to like you?" Lust asked,

"Yep, I called him a bird." Reaper laughed,

"Wow, that's strange but fitting." Lust told him, making sure that Geno didn't hear.


Sci looked at his map again, then he looked behind himself, making sure that everyone was there. "Ok, it's..." Sci looked up at the sky, Dream had taught him how to tell time by looking at the sun/moon, "10 PM everyone! Get to sleep! And Fell, please don't sleep standing up again." the scientist sighed,

"Fine, I won't," Fell growled,

"Good!" Sci said,

The next day...

Everyone was awake and ready to go, Sci started walked towards Afterdeath forest,

"So... what's the plan for when we get to the forest?" Cross asked,

"Uh... try not to be seen by spiders, if we do then we kill them." Fell said,

"I was going to say something else but that sounds like a better idea." Killer said, "I was going to say run for it but then I remembered that I'm the only person who has a speed amulet."

"We could split into groups of two to avoid getting caught." Nightmare said,

"That's an awesome idea Nightmare!" Blue said,

Nightmare blushed, "Thanks!"

"Your welcome!"

"I'm going with my BEST friend! Ink!" Error said Ink laughed and nodded,

Lust muttered something under his breath, something about Ink and Error,

"Sounds good, well, we're getting there sometime today so choose your groups, everyone! Hopefully, nobody dies!" Sci said, hopefully, nobody got lost either. 

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