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A few days later...

"Geez, how did we get to Notesky THAT fast?" Nightmare asked,

"I may or may not have sped us up," Cross said,

"Oh! Thanks!" Nightmare said,

"Your welcome!" Cross said,

"Soooo after this, we just... go back to our kingdoms?" Dream wondered,

"Yeah, I guess." Killer said,

"Aww, I wanted to stay with everyone," Dream said,

"We'll figure out a way to make it so that we can stay, don't worry!" Killer re-assured

"Ok!" Dream said, "So, what should we do when we get to Notesky?"

"Were already here..." Killer told Dream,

"*Gasp* We are! Let's go!" Dream said, he grabbed Killer's arm and pulled him towards the entrance,

When everyone got into Notesky they saw a human with white and blue hair, they had a music note on their right cheek, they wore a white sweatshirt and blue sweatpants, their wings were white and navy. They waved to Dream, "Hi Navy!" Dream cheered,

"Hey Dream! Whatsup?" Navy asked,

"Well, you know about Candle, right?" Dream asked,

"Yep, what about her?" Navy said,

"Well, we know how to defeat her but we need to climb MT. Ebott to get the spell and we were wondering if you could fly up there for us to get the spell." Dream explained,

Navy sighed, "Sorry kiddo, but I can't do that,"

"Oh. Ok then." Dream murmured, "I'll see you later?"

"I'll see you later, sorry I wasn't able to come, Azul banned me from leaving town," Navy explained,

"It's fine! We'll figure out a way to defeat Candle!" Dream said,

"That's good, good luck Dream, good luck everyone," Navy told them,

"Thanks! Maybe we can hang out when all of this is over?" Dream asked,

"Sure! As long as Azul lets me." Navy told Dream,

"I'm sure she will!" Dream said, MT. Ebbot was a three-day walk so the group decided to stay at the Cloud Hotel

"Sooo what's with the theme of music and clouds here? Also, everything here is either a neutral color or a shade of blue, what's up with that?" Fell asked Navy

"I dunno, it's a tradition or something, it's kinda weird," Navy admitted,

"Yeah, it is, we look like freaks out here because of the theme here," Fell grumbled,

"Haha yeah, sorry about that," Navy told Fell,

Fell just pretended not to hear Navy.

"So, we're gonna have to book multiple rooms," Sci told everyone, "I'm gonna choose, why? Well, I want to." Sci told everyone,

"Nightmare, Cross, Killer, Dream, Dust, and Blue in one room," Sci said,

"Lust, Horror, Ink, Error, Geno, and Reaper," Sci said,

"Why do you and the edgy one get a room to yourselves?" Lust asked,

"If I went into any of your rooms, I would get no sleep, and Fell would murder everyone," Sci explained,

"This is true," Fell said,

"Ok then..." Lust said, "Welp, I'm going to my room," Lust walked into his room, everyone else that was also going to Lust's room followed,

"So... goodnight everyone!" Ink said before walking into the hotel room, everyone else except Navy, Sci, and Fell followed,

"So... goodnight? I guess? Also, I call sleeping on the reclining chair thing." Fell said,

"Ok then... night Fell," Sci said but Fell already fell asleep. 

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