Dream and some Scifell, (Final Chapter!)

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(Shoutout to everyone reading this book! I hope you like the final chapter :D)

Killer re-read a script that he had memorized, on the script was what he was gonna say to Dream, hopefully he didn't get rejected. He re-read the script one more time before walking up to Dream's room and knocking on the door, just like Dust did. Dream opened the door, "Hi Killer! whatsup?" Dream asked,

"Ok... so I have a crush on you," Killer said, blushing slightly, he hoped that Dream also liked him, Killer didn't like awkward situations that much, well, he hated them.

Dream didn't know what to say he didn't expect this, "Uh I- sorry Killer, I only like you as a friend sorry." Dream said, he hoped that Killer wouldn't be too disappointed,

Killer's shoulders slumped, "Oh, ok." he said before returning to his room. Dream felt kinda bad, maybe he should talk to him later.

A little bit later Killer heard a knock on his room, "Come in." he said maybe it was Dream changing his mind? No, that wouldn't make sense, he just said that he liked him as a friend, Dust walked into the room,

"I heard the entire conversation with Dream, all I can say is: Maybe ask next year he might like you back," Dust said, Killer didn't know how he heard that conversation, the last time Killer saw Dust (Which was 20 minutes ago, starting a game of Minecraft with Horror)

"Thanks, I guess;" Killer grumbled, sure, he was thankful for the tip but he was still bummed about Dream.

"Anytime Killer!" Dust said, then he walked out of the room, he didn't close the door behind him.

Killer sighed, he should've expected this to happen, but maybe he should ask next year, but that seems kinda weird. Then he got up and closed the door which Dust had left open.

Sci was busy writing a book, the book was a summary of the entire adventure, he was writing one of the battle scenes Fell knocked on the door, "Come in!" Sci yelled Fell walked in,

"Geez, you don't have to yell, anyways, whatcha writing you've been in this room for a few days," Fell asked,

"A book! It's about our adventure!" Sci explained, he knew what Fell would ask next, a plan formed in his head.

"Cool! What part are you at?" Fell asked, not knowing what Sci was going to say next...

"The part where I say that I have a crush on you," Sci said, blushing a bright green, Fell also blushed,

Fell thought for a moment, he liked Sci a bit, then he concluded something, "Well, I do too, uhhhh insert words here." Fell awkwardly said,

"Ok actually I'm at the final battle with Candle but I do still have a crush on you. Wait I'm not making this awkward right?" Sci asked,

"I think we're both making this awkward," Fell said,

"Yeah, your probably right," Sci said,

And then, our adventure came to an end. And yes, I wrote this entire thing in 3rd person. And yes I got everyone's side of the story and things that happened so that I could write it in this way, cool right?

And yes, Dream and Killer are a thing now -Sci a few years later

-Sci, the protector of the Amulet of Intelligence.

(Amulets is now finished! This is probably one of my favorite books so far! I hope you liked this story, have a great day/night/afternoon everyone!) -Crow :D 

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