The Interview

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A tall leggy blonde appeared and introduced herself. Her name was Anna and she would be interviewing us today. She was a thirty something Southern Belle, and she came across as a well spoken, yet kind and understanding person. It was hard to believe that she was in an industry that thrived on tearing people apart. Maybe she was different though.

"Ok guys, so you know roughly what I'm going to ask, are you both ready?" She asked with a smile that revealed a set of perfect white veneers. Malcolm came into the garden and stood behind the camera. He sat in a chair and folded his arms. He whispered something to the person next to him and then smiled at Finley and I.

"Ok we're rolling in three two...." Anna smiled at the camera.

"Hello everyone! Thank you for tuning in to today's episode of Hollywood Buzz. I'm joined by the very talented Finley Beckett, and his Fiancée Claire Wilson! We have an interesting interview coming up, and we'll finally get some answers to the biggest questions on your minds! So Finley you recently finished shooting on the last Exile Watch movie, how was it?" She asked. My heart was in my throat, but I tried to look as relaxed as possible. I really wasn't a fan of being on camera.

"Well Anna, first of all thank you for having us. The shoot was incredible and I can't wait for everyone to see how it ends! It's definitely a nail biter. It was bittersweet for me. Donnie has obviously been a huge part of my success and I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to portray him. I'm actually a big fan of the comics. It'll definitely be hard to say goodbye to him." He replied.

"So what's next? After the movie comes out, I assume you'll be looking for your next big role? Or are you going to take a break?" She asked. Finley shrugged slightly.

"Well I definitely want to take a short break. We have a wedding to plan, but I will definitely be keeping my eyes open. If the right role comes along then who knows? You might see me back on the screen sooner than you think!" Fin took my hand in his and squeezed it slightly.

"Talking of the wedding, congratulations! Can I see the ring?" She asked me.

"Yeah of course!" I held my hand out to her and she examined the ring.

"Wow! That's beautiful!" She tilted my hand towards the camera so the audience would be able to see it.

"So obviously you two have had a rough time in recent months. I know it is a difficult topic to speak on, but your injuries seemed quite severe, have you fully recovered? And how important was Claire during this time?"

"Um, yeah. I haven't really spoken publicly on it. It was a very dark time for both of us. I still have some issues with my short term memory, but for the most part I feel incredibly lucky to have almost no repercussions. The doctors tell me regularly that I'm lucky I survived. They think it's largely down to my age, so my body recovered quickly, and also down to the amazing care I received outside of the hospital. Claire supported me the whole time, and her family were also amazing. If it wasn't for them I really don't know where I would be." He said thoughtfully. I felt a small lump in my throat. I hated thinking back to that time and how weak Fin was. It was also hard because we were both hurt from what we had put each other through.

"What about you Claire, how did you cope?" She asked me.

"Uh, not well." I half laughed trying to make light of it. "I mean, I don't remember a time I've had less sleep, in my whole life. Not only that seeing Finley in hospital and knowing there was nothing I could do..." I stopped and took a breath. "Sorry, I still find it very difficult to speak about. Yes it was incredibly difficult. I think I coped because I had to. Fin needed me and that was far more important than what I was feeling. It was difficult because we weren't together and we had just lost our cat Mr Boots, but yeah, helping Fin get better was my top priority." I nodded and gently dabbed my eyes.

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