Starting Over

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I woke in the middle of the night to loud voices downstairs. I sat up and blinked. Where was I? I looked around and the memories of the day before had come flooding back to me. I groaned slightly and sat on the edge of the bed. My heart started aching again and I willed it to stop.

"Where is she?" I heard someone shout from downstairs. I would recognise that high pitched shriek anywhere. That was Jen. What was she doing here? I quickly got up and wrapped my dressing gown around myself. I opened the door to my room and walked out.

"Is everything ok?" I asked sleepily as I walked down the staircase to the hall.

"Is everything ok? Don't play dumb with me you stupid bitch!" Jen spat at me. I wondered what on Earth I could have possibly done to her. I hadn't seen her in almost half a year. Suddenly she burst into tears and I didn't know what to do. My parents looked at me, and then I heard a frustrated meow.

"Mr Boots?" I asked dumbfounded. I saw his carrier on the floor and my heart flooded with joy, and then worry. My phone had been off all night and I hoped Finley was ok. My heart began pounding against my chest hard and I looked to Jen for answers.

"He's fine, and so is Finley. But he's broken. And it's all your fault." She said through tears. I was shocked. Finley had spoken to her again? After everything she had put me through?

"And what? You think I'm just a picture of happiness and love at the moment? I did it for us Jen. For him. I was making him miserable." The emotions started bubbling up again and tears were reforming at the edge of my eyes.

"Why don't we all just calm down." My Mum said. "Claire, I think you have a cat to attend to, we'll get, Jen was it?" Mum asked looking at the sobbing mess of a girl in front of her. She nodded, "we'll get Jen a cup of tea, and then we can all calm down and you can explain what's happening. Ok love?" Jen agreed and allowed my Mum to lead her into the lounge. Dad followed and I was left in the hallway, with an angry cat, and two dogs sniffing him.

I had settled Mr Boots in my room. He was really stressed and didn't want to be touched. Mood. I thought to myself briefly. He had curled up on my bed and I closed the door. I headed downstairs to find out what was going on. Jen seemed to have calmed down and was sipping from a mug.

"How is he?" She asked. I was shocked. I didn't know she gave a damn.

"He's ok, a little rattled, but ok." I said. I desperately looked for a seat that wasn't next to her on the sofa, but there wasn't one. Max was led by my Mum's feet, upside down and sleeping, and Maisie had made herself at home on Jen's lap. Another surprise. I had always thought dogs only liked good people.

"Have you checked your phone Claire?" Mum asked. I shook my head.

"No, I uh," I cleared my throat awkwardly. "I turned it off earlier and I haven't turned it back on yet." I said quietly.

"Well maybe you should." Jen said coldly. I couldn't believe it, but I found myself pulling my phone out of my dressing gown pocket and waiting for it to turn on. An awkward silence descended on the room as we waited. The only noise was Max snoring gently, and Jen sipping her tea. My phone started vibrating wildly. Something I had become accustomed to since being with Fin. I saw I had message after message from Finley. I read them all and all of the emotions from the day before came flooding back.

"Where is he Jen?" I asked the emotion clear in my voice.

"He's checked himself into a treatment centre in San Diego. He's gonna be there for the next six months. He wouldn't admit it, but he's doing it for you. God knows why." She said.

"Jen, you may be upset, but you're still a guest in our home, and I have no problem kicking you out if you continue speaking to my daughter like that." My Dad said angrily. I half smiled at him.

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