Worlds Apart

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Finley had been travelling back and forth for months, between the US and England. I could tell it was starting to take a toll on him. He had become a little more withdrawn and quiet recently and I was beginning to get concerned. I had picked him up that morning from the airport and he had slept the whole way back to my flat. Dark circles formed a ring around his eyes, and he looked pale.

"Fin?" I said as I shook his arm gently. He jerked awake and sat bolt upright. "We're home sweetheart. Come on, you can take a nap in my bed." I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. I walked around to the back and opened the boot. Finley was here for a week and we had lots planned. I grabbed his bags and closed the boot. Fin stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut. He stretched his arms above his head, groaning slightly as he did so, and held his arms out to me. I gave him a quick hug and took his hand. Our fingers tangled together and I led him to the front door of the flat. I rapped a few times and checked around, making sure no one spotted and recognised Fin. Jamie swung the door open, and let us in. Him and Fin shared a friendly hug, as they always did when they were reunited. I was really pleased that they had become fast friends, and Finley hadn't been weird around Jamie. They were both important to me, and I couldn't imagine how difficult my life would be if they didn't get along.

"I'm just gonna put this sleepy head to bed." I said to Jamie nodding at Fin, who was stood yawning and gently rubbing his dull looking eyes.

"No, I'm alright. I'm awake now." Finley said through a particularly loud and long yawn.

"Yeah, I can tell." I said sarcastically. I put my hand on his back and gently pushed him towards my bedroom. He resisted at first, but ultimately gave in and headed down the narrow hallway and into my modest room. He flopped down on the double divan bed and pulled his beanie hat and sunglasses off. He sprawled out and another yawn escaped from deep within him. I could tell he was tired to his core.

"God I'm sick of flying at the moment." He muttered. He put his arm gently over his face, covering his eyes and placed his other hand on his stomach.

" I wish you would let me come to you. I feel bad that you're doing all the running around Fin." I said as I plonked his bags down on the floor by the door. I walked over to him and knelt by his feet. I began unlacing his Van's and pulling them off of his feet for him.

"Like I said. It's not worth it. The press will find out and I don't want you suffering for it." He explained for the hundredth time. "Why are you undressing me?" He inquired. He sat up and began wiggling his eyebrows up and down suggestively at me.

"Ha! You should be so lucky. You need some sleep, and I don't want your smelly shoes on my bed." I said as I pulled the second one off. "Well, you can't maintain all of this Fin. You travel enough for your job as it is. I want to make this easier on you."

"It's fine babe, I can handle it. I'm just tired I've had a busy week and what with the flying to and from Texas it's just been a lot." He said defiantly. "But I'm alright."

"That's debatable." I said under my breath. Apparently it wasn't quiet enough because Fin heard me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked. His tone changed and I could tell this was going to escalate if I let it. We were both tired and grumpy and I figured we needed to talk about this later when he was more awake, and we could be calm.

"Nothing. Get some sleep and I'll come and wake you up for lunch ok?" I stood up and leaned down to kiss his cheek. he grabbed my waist, pulling me down on top of him. He held onto me tightly and I couldn't get free of his strong grip.

"I'll take a nap, but only if you take one with me." He whispered in my ear. He kissed my neck, and I thought about it for a second. I kissed him and whilst he was distracted, I managed release the vice like grip he had on me. I stood up and brushed my clothes flat again. Fin pouted ever so slightly.

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