Male Bonding

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Finley had given me his key card and disappeared with his bodyguards. I leaned against the magnolia wall outside his hotel room to gather myself. I slowly made my way back to the room where Jamie was. I opened the door and he practically pounced on me.

"You've been gone for ages! Did you do it? Tell me everything!" He demanded excitedly. He dragged me to the closest bed and sat down with me. I was still processing that Finley had kissed me.

"We... kissed." I said quietly. "three times." Jamie gasped and grabbed my arm shaking it. He began ranting about how he told me Finley was interested and not just using me. I just sat there. So many thoughts were running through my head. How was this happening? Why was it happening? Jamie noticed something was wrong.

"Is everything ok?" He asked sounding concerned. I snapped myself out of it and looked at him. I couldn't stop a huge smile spreading across my face.

"No everything is not ok. Finley kissed me! Everything is amazing!" I responded excitedly. Jamie laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

"I can't believe that one costume caused this." Jamie said I nodded in agreement. "Now you have to tell me. Was he a good kisser?" Jamie asked. I looked at him and scoffed.

"If I kissed him three times what do you think?" I asked. Jamie laughed and so did I. "Come on, let's go down to the harbour side and have a wander! Finley won't be back until five."

"So we need to be back by half two then. So we can get you showered blow dry your hair and have your make up done, and of course so I can get ready!" Jamie said. I looked at him puzzled.

"You think I'm gonna come out to dinner with you both and then spend the rest of the night third wheeling?" He asked. "No I'm gonna go hit up the gay bars and see what's happening." He said.

We left the room and spent the rest of the morning wandering around the harbour side. The weather was warming up, but was still cool enough for scarves and jackets to be worn. We went into the natural history consortium and wandered down past S.S Great Britain. We were going to get on but we decided to get some lunch instead. We stopped at a cute cafe right on the harbour side. We both ordered a sandwich and a coffee. It was much needed after such an early start. We both ate quickly as we wanted to get to Cabot Circus and do some shopping before we had to get back to the hotel.

"Hey Claire can I ask something?" Jamie asked as we walked arm in arm down the bustling streets.

"Of course." I replied looking up at him.

"If you do end up with Finley, and things get really serious. Are you gonna move to the USA?"

I hadn't really thought about that. It was far too early to tell if Finley and I would end up in a relationship, let alone whether we would make it to a stage where we were serious.

"Um, to be honest Jay I haven't thought about it. Don't worry though, wherever I go or don't go you'll be coming with me. I couldn't be without my bestie." I reassured him.

"I know. It was just a thought. Mostly because you're pretty crap at long distance. Look at Benji. Once he moved to Birmingham it was too much for you." He said thoughtfully.

"Yeah. You're definitely right about that. But don't forget that's because he cheated on me. So I didn't trust him. I'm a strong believer that everything happens for a reason. So if it did get to that stage, and it ended, I would deal with it. I would have to." I replied. "But, this is Finley Beckett we're talking about. I would make it work!" I said lightheartedly. I heard someone laugh loudly behind me. A shrill irritating laugh.

"Like he would ever be interested in you." A petite blonde teen remarked as she shoved past me. I saw writing on her arm and recognised it as Finley's signature. Jamie looked at me and I shook my head. This girl was about sixteen and there was no way I was having a confrontation with a child. She walked off laughing arm in arm with her friend. Jamie and I ducked into the hotel and headed up to our room.

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