The First Night

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We got back to Finley's hotel room and I quickly slipped my heels off. My feet were killing me, it felt like I had been walking across gravel barefoot. I sat down at one of the chairs which overlooked the city below, and rubbed my feet until they stopped aching. I was officially exhausted. Adrenaline was the only thing keeping me awake. There was a knock at the door and Finley took two bottles of champagne from the man on the other side. Finley tipped him and quietly closed the door. I waited for him to put the champagne down and I slinked over to him. I placed a hand on his soft cheek and looked deep into his eyes. He flashed me that smile that made me melt and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Thank you for today Fin." I said as I melted into his beautiful green orbs. The air between us felt incredibly charged with a weird energy. I could almost taste the electricity in the air. It was like someone had knocked all the wind out of me, and I couldn't breathe.

"Thank you. For your time, your company, and most importantly for making me feel more normal than I have felt in a long time." He replied in a deep silky tone. My heart rate was through the roof and I couldn't take my eyes off of Finley's. He pulled me closer to him, until there was no space between our bodies. I could feel the heat from his body radiating into me and I tucked my head under his chin. Finley rested his head on mine, and started slowly swaying, back and forth. I could feel his heart pounding through his shirt and I felt safe standing there in his arms. I realised Finley was just as nervous as me, and I felt, for the first time, like we were equals. Just two people who had found each other, and were both scared and excited about what this small moment could possibly turn in to. He slid one of his hands towards my upper back, and completely enveloped me in his safe embrace. He sighed deeply and whispered

"I don't want this day to end." I agreed and tightened my grip on the back of his shirt. I pulled away to say something to him, but of course, me being me, I tripped over my own discarded shoes and fell backwards. I grabbed Finley for support and before I knew it we were both on the bed. Finley was on top of me with his hands either side of my head. Suddenly we were nose to nose. I felt him relax, and the full weight of his body pressed down on top of me. I was scared to breathe in case it ruined this moment. His green eyes were completely locked on mine. The rest of the room seemed to melt away. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. I felt like he was staring into me. As though he was learning who I was, through my eyes. Before I knew what was happening his soft, plump lips were on mine. I kissed him back and placed a hand on the back of his neck. Finley gently pulled both of my legs up and settled between them. I couldn't move, and my heart felt like it was about to break through my ribcage and pop out of my chest. He pulled away, and suddenly seemed bashful.

"I'm sorry. I think I might have had too much to drink," He said, embarrassed. He moved and stood up and I sat up. He turned to walk away, but I caught his wrist. I stood up quickly and pulled him into a gentle embrace. I stood on my tiptoes and put one of my hands on the back of his head, gently running my fingers through his soft, shiny light brown hair

" It's not that I don't want to Fin, it's just," I thought for a second. I wanted to make sure I found the right words. "I just don't think when we're both drunk is the right time to be doing it. You're important to me, and I want it to be right. I don't want us waking up tomorrow and feeling like it was a mistake." I felt his arms wrap around me. He squeezed me gently and held me close. " I feel like I'm falling so quickly and I want to make sure I'm not just caught up in the moment. I don't want to blow this."

" I get it Claire." He replied. " I don't want to ruin this either. It's a big step. It has to be the right time. I just want you to know I haven't had this much fun for a long time. It's been," he paused for a few seconds " a long time since I've been able to relax away from my life." He pulled away slightly and looked down at me with an affectionate smile on his face. "So thank you. Tonight has been perfect, and it's down to you." I smiled and my cheeks started burning. I pulled his face down and kissed him gently. He kissed me back, and placed his hand on my cheek. It felt like we were kissing for an eternity and it couldn't have been more perfect. His lips were soft and each kiss was more tender, and passionate than the last.

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