The Hospital Stay

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I had stayed at my parents and I was getting ready to go to work. As always I had left spare clothes here, just for this kind of occasion. I was still emotional about Boots, but work would be a welcome distraction. I had to leave really early because work was over an hour away from here. I hoped Finley was alright, I had sent him a message checking up on him, but hadn't heard anything back. The news was on in the background, and as if by magic I heard Fin's name. I went to the living room with toast hanging out of my mouth. I turned it up so I could hear it.

"Mr Beckett is stable, but it's unclear how severe his injuries are. The couple who hit him said he had staggered out of an alleyway covered in blood and they didn't have time to stop. Doctors have reported he's currently in a medically induced coma, while they wait for his brain swelling to come down. Police are asking for witnesses to come forward." My toast fell to the floor where Max immediately scooped it up and ran away with it. I didn't notice. The world seemed to have stopped and there was a ringing in my ears. Looks like work was on hold for today too. I immediately dialled Malcolm's number. He answered and I could tell he hadn't slept much.

"Malcolm what happened? Where is he? Is he going to be ok? Oh my God!" I was talking at a hundred miles an hour, petrified at the thought Finley might die.

"Claire, I'm so glad you rang. He's...stable. We have no idea. I got the call a few hours ago. Apparently I'm listed as his emergency contact. He's at Memorial."

"Ok. I'm on my way." I said without a second thought. I grabbed my keys and left. I didn't even say goodbye to my parents. I didn't have time. I quickly exited my parents home. I would deal with that later. Right now Finley needed me. I wasn't going to let him down again.

I arrived at the hospital about half an hour later. I rang Wesley and I didn't have to say anything. He told me to take today and the following week off. I thanked him and immediately jumped out of the car. The paparazzi were already here. Scumbags. Of course some of them recognised me and immediately started hounding me. I couldn't control my anger. This was all fun and games for them.

"Don't you think you've taken enough from him you leeches?" I shouted, "you ruined our relationship drove him to drugs and now you can't give him a moments peace when he is fighting for his life!" Of course it fell on deaf ears. I stormed inside the hospital and straight to reception.

"How can I help you sweetie?" The curvy receptionist asked. She was chewing gum obnoxiously loudly and it was grating on me.

"Finley Beckett." I said flatly.

"Oh sorry honey, we're under strict instructions not to let anyone in-" she was interrupted by Malcolm. He rushed over and embraced me. He had never done that before. I squeezed him tightly and his Earthy smelling cologne was faint, but could still be smelled. He clearly hadn't been home.

"It's ok, she's good." He said to the receptionist who was staring at us. He led me down a maze of corridors that felt like they were never going to end, and we arrived in front of a door to a private room.

"Malcolm before I go in... how bad is it?" I asked nervously. The thought of seeing Finley in this state scared me. I wasn't sure how I was going to react.

"I mean, he's got some nasty cuts on his face, and they had to shave his head, but for the most part it looks like he's sleeping. Come on. I'll be with you. The doctor said hearing familiar voices is good for him." He hugged me again and I took a deep breath. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. Finley had wires everywhere. His face was pale, and I barely recognised him through the swelling. I dropped my handbag immediately.

"Oh my God." I said putting my hands to my mouth and gasping. I immediately started blaming myself. "I should have stayed last night. He wouldn't have gone out then. If I had just been more attentive or invited him to my parents house..." I continued for a good minute before Malcolm interrupted.

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