Red Carpet

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Everything had calmed down in the weeks since we had returned to LA. Malcolm had told me off initially for my statement, but it seemed to do the trick and the negativity on my social media had calmed down. Tonight Finley had a red carpet appearance at a movie premier, and he had convinced me to go with him. He had bought me a beautiful red floor length gown. It had a sweetheart neck line and was strapless. There was also a knee high slit up one side and it had some beautiful gemstone details scattered around the neckline. I hadn't wanted to go at first, but Finley wanted to show a united front against all the negative media that had been floating around. I also couldn't say no to a beautiful dress. Finley had booked a stylist who he knew well to come and do my hair and make up for the event and I was getting excited. I finally got to meet all of Finley's friends, and some other famous faces who I was a fan of. I was most excited to meet Jen. She was one of Finley's closest friends and I admired her.

"God you're bouncing off the walls today!" Finley said as I practically skipped from the kitchen to the dining room. I had a bowl of rainbow coloured salad in my hand and seated myself opposite Finley.

"I can't help it Fin. I was really dreading today, but now it's here I can't wait! I finally get to meet Jen too, and support her in a different movie. I know you two are close and I'm so excited to make some new friends!" I said happily. I began shovelling my salad into my mouth and crunching the crispy leaves loudly. Finley just laughed and shook his head at me. He also began digging in to his food.

"Well I'm glad you've cheered up. I was beginning to worry that you were gonna keep getting more and more depressed. I suppose having me at home has helped a bit though, and of course, your new job! I couldn't be more proud of you Claire." His whole face lit up and softened as he looked at me and I grinned at him, with a mouthful of lettuce and avocado. I had three interviews over the next week and I was really hoping one of the companies would be the right fit for me.

"Thank you Fin. Honestly after those few days offline, I feel like my brain reset itself and I was just ready to start living again, you know? And of course you being at my beck and call for the last few days hasn't been horrible either." I winked at him cheekily and he sat back in his chair.

"Ah, I see. So it's a personal servant you were lacking. Not the love and comfort of your loving handsome boyfriend." He replied.

"Exactly." I said pointing my fork at him. He stuffed a tomato into his mouth and rolled his eyes at me. I quickly finished the rest of my salad and put my fork into the bowl. I sat back and patted my belly which was now full and visibly bloated from the amount of food I had just shoved down my throat. " Hey Fin, I have a question." I said thoughtfully.

"Sure, shoot." He said in between mouthfuls.

" Obviously people are going to interview you and stuff, so do I just stand there and smile?" I asked. He chuckled at me and stopped eating.

"No, that's not how it works babe. They'll tailor their questions for both of us. They know you'll be attending too, so they should ask questions that include both of us." He said. Other than a couple of initial interviews about our relationship, I had been mostly left alone. I was pleased in some respects as my day to day life was less troublesome, but it frustrated me that most interviewers seemed to question Fin as though he didn't have a girlfriend, and asked him questions about his celebrity crushes and who in Hollywood he would date.

"I can't wait to get dressed now. I just wanna be there. I bet these red carpet events are so fun!" Finley thought for a second and then nodded.

"They're not too bad. I mean when you're attending for your own work, it's exactly that. Work. But when you've been invited you can kick back and relax and I quite enjoy that to be honest." He said. Finley finished his meal and walked around the modern glass table to me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. I lifted my hand and placed it gently on his cheek.

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