The Dare Part 3: Uh Oh

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So since I had like no ideas I decided to make another part for it. Also I added a couple little things for my roomie Jay.

Erica's Dorm
Spy School
8:00 PM
July 4th

Erica's POV:
I woke up slowly. I looked around, only to grow confused. I was... not alone in my room.

 I looked up and saw Ben snuggled up around me. 

He brushed my hair behind my ear and stroked my face. I couldn't help but grin. He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer. 

I jumped and scooted towards the wall near my bed.

I was increasingly confused.

"Good morning to you too." He laughed.

"What- how- why are you here?"

"Owch. You don't remember last night?" He laughed. 

What? What happened last night? Did something happen?

"Remember... what?" I asked worriedly.

"Nonono not like that." He said quickly. "We went on a date."

I relaxed. And that's when I remembered.

Bit late. I complained to myself.

"Washington Monument?"

"Yeah. When we came back you asked me to stay the night. So here I am."

"Oh yeahhh. I remember now."

"Up." He offered a hand.


"Get up."


He took the covers and threw them aside. He pointed to my leg.

"Your leg. We're going to the infirmary."


"Wasn't asking."

"I'm not going."

He leaned over me and tried to pick me up. But this time I expected it. I jumped up and landed- in a crumpled pile on the floor.

"Brilliant." He teased. 

He pulled me up and set me on the bed.

"I'm not going."

"Why not?"

"I don't want to. You do it. I trust you more than them."

"But this is literally what they do. I'm just a kid."

"You're 15."

"My point exactly."


He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"Okay. Fine. For you I will."


"Yeah. Okay lay down and I'll go grab the first aid kit again."

I did as he instructed and he started to clean it. He got the rubbing alcohol to clean it and offered his hand.

"As you know from yesterday, this is gonna hurt."

I nodded and took his hand. He dabbed at it and I squeezed his hand tightly.

He re-wrapped it and put the stuff away. I sat on the side of my bed.

"There. It's not professional work but it'll do."

"Thanks Ben."

He sat next to me and I took his hand.

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