Chapter 17

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Somewhere In London – Chapter 17 – Louis’ POV

     We finally got to Starbucks, and I couldn’t believe this was happening. Me and Taryn, former best friends, now so close to dating. I held the door open for her and she smiled widely, stalking in. Why is it such a big deal to girls when someone holds the door? Shouldn’t every guy do that? She stepped up to order a plain mocha and a chocolate and peanut butter bar. I smiled remembering her obsession with the combination of chocolate and peanut butter. She opened her purse and pulled out her wallet, but I playfully pushed her aside to order and pay. After dragging her out of bed to come here, I couldn’t  let her pay! She offered a small smile “I guess this is payback for that ice cream cone I bought you back in 7th grade” she remarked, referring to the ice cream cone I ate a fourth of and then launched at her on a hot summer night in the middle of July. One of my favorite memories of mine and hers.

      “So does that mean you’re going to pour half of your drink on me? Because that’d be bad.” I told her. She shook her head.

     “Nah…. I’m not really feeling up for a coffee fight today” she responded as we grabbed our drinks off the counter and strode out to the car. The mall was barely 5 minutes away and we sang One More Night by Maroon 5 at the top of our lungs. Anyone driving by who may have heard us would’ve thought we were tone DEAF. We finally got there and I put on sunglasses and a hat in hopes to not be recognized by anyone, or only a couple people. It was then I realized Taryn was singing, not really acknowledging it.

“All I know is I held the door, you’ll be mine and I’ll be yours, All I know since yesterday, is everything has changed”

Quite an accurate song for this situation. We walked in to the mall and stopped, looking around.

     “So…. Where do you want to go first?”

     “Uhm…. Do you want to check the guide thingy or whatever?”


     We walked up to the guide and I watched as her eyes ran over all the names of the stores.

     “I wanna go to Hollister”

     “Lesssgo” we rode the escalator up to the top floor to see the Hollister store a couple of shops down. I stopped and Looked around, making sure no one was staring, I really didn’t want to be recognized, not here. I started booking it towards Hollister and a store away from it, I heard a girl shout.


-Taryn’s POV-


     Louis whipped around to the girl, trying to shush her so she wouldn’t bring attention to him, but it was too late. Girls shouting in both English and Spanish were booking toward us and I had no idea what to do.  Just when some of the girls had gotten about 5 feet away from Louis, I jumped in front of him.

     “STOP. JUST STOP.” I screamed. Surprisingly, they quieted down. “If you want anything from him, you will stand in a single file line and he will get to as many as he can. You will NOT swarm him”

      What the hell was this? They were LISTENING to me? I stood back as the girls, one by one, walked up to Louis and hugged him and asked for a picture/ autograph. There weren’t too many girls because no one knew Louis was going to be there that day.

       After about 15 minutes, the girls had all gotten what they wanted and were standing in a group off to the side. One girl with short brown hair and glittering blue eyes stepped forward.

       “Do you think…. Uhm…. Do you think you could sing a song for us? It’d be really great.” She choked out. Louis turned to me, mouthing “what did she say?”


      “She wants you to sing a song” I informed him. His eyes sparkled and he said the exact opposite of what I thought he would.

     “Sure.”  I raised my eyebrows at him questioningly.

     “But only if you’ll sing it with me”

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