Chapter 5

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Somewhere In London - Chapter 5 - Taryn's POV

A half hour later, we bust into my apartment with tons of snacks in our hands, ready to start watching some action-packed movies. "This one and this one and THIS ONE" Niall said excitedly pulling the first 3 Bourne movies off the shelf. "Oh and pass the Spicy Doritooooos" he said popping the Bourne Identity in. Niall sat back on the sectional with about 5 giant bags of chips surrounding him "HEAVEEEEEN" he managed to get out with his mouth full of food. "God damn Niall, shut your mouth! Matt Damon is on the screen! You know what a big fan of him I am!" Louis said hitting Niall on the arm. We were all lounging on the sectional, me then Niall, Louis, Zayn, then Harry and Liam. "You're a Matt Damon fan?!" I said. I didn't know this. Shows how much I know about him now. "Uhh, yeah" Lou said. "I am. You know Taryn, we haven't talked in 3 years. A lot has changed since then." Wow. That stung. "Evidently" I muttered under my breath.

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