Chapter 6

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Somewhere In London – Chapter 6 – Taryn’s POV

I woke up 6 hours later, on the couch in my living room, snuggled with all the boys. “Millions of girls would kill to be in your spot, Taryn” as I picked my head up and off Niall’s shoulder, and trudged into my bedroom, which was just off the kitchen. I slowly shut the door, they’d probably be pretty grumpy getting woken up at 7 AM, and turned on the light. DAMN THAT WAS BRIGHT. RRGH.  I took out my contacts, still half blinded by the light, and pulled the covers of my bed down, just as there was a knock at my bedroom door. Probably Niall. I opened it just a tiny bit, enough to see out with one eye. I peered out, searching for a face. I finally found a pair of brilliant, beautiful blue eyes. Louis.

“Lou”  I whispered. “What’s wrong?”

He glanced around a little frantically, as if he was searching for an answer that was somewhere in the room.

“Uhm… I was uncomfortable. I wanted to see if I could come be with you for a little bit”

 I smiled, remembering all the sleepovers we’d had as kids, before it mattered that I was a girl and he was a boy, and I hadn’t completely fallen for him yet.

“Of course” I opened the door and gestured for him to come in.

 Before I knew it, he sprinted in and leaped onto my bed. I sat down next to where he was all sprawled out.

“So how’s your girlfriend?”  I asked. I actually had no clue whether he had a girlfriend, I guess this was one way to find out.

“She’s great” he responded “We’re really happy together.”

My face fell and he let out a laugh. “That would be IF she existed. What about you, what about your boyfriend?”

“This guy at my work and I went on a couple dates like two weeks ago, but it never amounted to anything”

“Wow… That’s too bad.” I heard, his voice sounding sleepy. I looked over to see that his eyes were closed, the boy was barely awake. I pulled the covers over him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before covering myself up with the blankets and lying on my back. I was mostly out of it by then, but I’m pretty sure I felt his hand reach out and grab a hold of mine….

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