Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 - Taryn's POV









     AHH I WAS STILL KISSING HIM. OH MY GOSH HE WASN'T PULLING AWAY EITHER. HE STILL WASN'T PULLING AWAY. Finally, I had to pull away to get some freaking AIR UP IN THIS JOINT. Louis looked me in the eye and winked, turning on heel and walking down the hallway towards his room. Right before walking in, he turned around and dashed back to me, giving me a quick kiss on the lips again, then running to his room. My cheeks were red as could be and I giggled quietly to myself and walked to my room, walking on sunshine.

*Next Morning*

      I woke up the next morning to someone jumping on my bed.

"IT'S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAAAAAS" Louis shouted. I groaned and rolled over, pulling my pillow over my face. "TARYN. IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP RIGHT NOW IM GOING TO PULL THE BLANKET OFF OF YOU" It was just then I realized something. I was only wearing a sports bra and Nike shorts. I shot up, clutching my blanket around me. "NO NO. YOU MAY BE AWAKE BUT YOU'RE NOT UP UNTIL YOU GET OUT OF BED" 0.2 seconds later, Louis was pulling the comforter off me. The sports bra and Nike shorts weren't what bothered me, I mean it covered more than a swimsuit right? It was the huge tattoo I had gotten all the way down the right side of my torso, a dream catcher. Louis' eyes danced straight to it.

"Your tattoo." He said. I stared at him, expecting him to yell at me for such a large one. But instead, he pulled up his own shirt, revealing a very similar tattoo, just a bit smaller, also on the right side of his torso.

"Holy crap" I gasped. Louis just smiled and yelled


         I finally got out of bed and changed. I walked out into the kitchen and Louis kissed me on my cheek, I was blushing like mad, and trying to hide it which was near impossible.

     "We're just going to get something at Starbucks before heading to the mall" he informed me. I nodded and grabbed my phone and some money, and then looked at him questioningly

"So, I'll drive?" Louis shook his head

"No. You will do no driving. I'm taking you everywhere today." I looked down at my phone, scrolling through messages.

"So is this, like, a date?" I wondered, gazing back up at Louis. He winked and grabbed my keys off the counter gesturing for me to walk in front of him. HE. HELD. THE. DOOR. FOR. ME. Gah, he was the most adorable thing! Getting in the car, he flipped on the radio.

"OH, I LOVE THIS SONG!" I said turning up one of the only radio stations that played music in English, and only English.

"SHE WAS COVERED IN LEATHER AND GOOOOOLD! TWENTY ONE YEARS OLLLD" I sang at the top of my lungs, putting my feet on the dashboard and glancing over at Louis, it looked as if he was all of a sudden, broken. I wrapped my hand around his arm.

"Something wrong?" I wondered, not taking my eyes off him. He pursed his lips and looked around, but never met my gaze.

     "No. This song just reminds me of someone I lost" I flung my arm off him and sat back in my seat, crossing my arms. We had JUST kissed last night for the first time and he was already talking about other girls, ones he's "lost out in the cold" as Bruno Mars would put it.

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