Chapter 8

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I sucked in my breath, bracing myself to see his face when I finally told him what I wanted to for so long.

       "Are you sure you want to know?” he nodded vigorously. My voice was shaky.

“It's you. I don't like Niall, I like you .I’m sorry if you thought I did, I don’t. And I know you’re probably grossed out by this, I mean, I’m nothing special and you’re in the most popular boy band on Earth. No wonder you wouldn’t go for someone like me.” Oh shit. I was rambling on. He was beyond words, staring at me with his mouth agape.  

I took a deep, shaky breath and continued this one- way conversation, since he couldn’t make it a two way one.

”But you always treat me like one of the guys and I get sick of it! Last night, I thought it was just going to be you and I at dinner but then you invited the guys, which they're all lovely lads but I was hoping for some time with you!" I took another deep breath and made a silent vow to myself not to talk unless he did.  Louis didn't move.

"Well why didn't you say something? Why didn't you tell me you wanted it just to be you and I?" FINALLY, WE GET SOME WORDS OUT OF THIS BOY!

"You wouldn't have understood. Like I said, I don't have a lot of nerve. This is taking all I have right here."

Louis still didn’t move. He didn't have anything else to say, which was a first. I was done. Done trying, done waiting, and done putting up with the awkward silence that had been hanging over us since yesterday.

"You know what? I'll see ya around I said. I grabbed my bag, my red Nike high tops and walked out the door. I shoved my headphones over my ears and blasted Drake to get that conversation out of my head. Wow, that REALLY stung. Just as I was passing an alley, a large hand reached out and grabbed the back of my jacket and before I even had time to protest, pulled me into an alley.

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