Chapter 2

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Somewhere in London Chapter 2 - Taryn's POV

      I sling my bag over my shoulder and break into a run, pushing people out of the way to get to him. I see him stop to sign autographs and take pictures with fans. The masses build and soon enough, I can't see him anymore. I get to the outskirts of the crowd and begin working my way to the only boy I have ever loved. It was impossible. The crowd was so tightly packed I could barely move. Finally, I was about 10 feet away from him.

       "LOUIS" I keep yelling and awkwardly flap my arms. It was no use though since everyone else was doing just that. I grab my phone out of my bad and quickly scroll through my contacts. I had lost his number! We hadn't had any contact in the past 3 years?!?! I though quickly. What was something I could tell that he would recognize?!? I had it. "INDIAN FROGS!" I yell, our best inside joke. People around me turn around and look at me quizzically. Lou stops dead in his tracks and looks through the crowd, searching for me.

      "TARYN?" he hollers and the crowd goes silent.

      "COME HERE YOU DOUBLE WIDE SEMI" and finally, he sees me and bolts towards me. I run towards him, my arms outstretched. There are tears forming in my eyes, partly from the freezing November air and partly because of how amazing this moment was for me. He finally reaches me, pulling me into his signature bear hug.

       "I missed you more than you'll ever know" he whispers and in that moment, I know that these are the arms I want to hold me forever.

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