Chapter 14: The Pack

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The Next Day

"Hey Lilly." Bella smiled from next to me.

"Hey Bells, how's it going?" I asked as we made our way through the lunch line.

"Great. Actually everyone is going to La Push Beach this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" Bella asked.

"I don't know." I said unsure.

"Please. You don't have to surf. There's also whale watching." Bella offered.

"Okay, I'll be there." I smiled. "What time should I drive down?"

"Everyone should be there by noon." Bella informed.

"Great, see you tomorrow." I smiled before heading over to the Cullen table.

"Hey, hey, hey." I said making everyone chuckle.

"Hey girl." Rose said giving me a hug.

"Hey darlin'." Jasper said pecking my lips.

"Ewww! Get a room!" Jackson groaned.

"Get used to it son, it's what made you exist." Jasper joked causing everyone to laugh, and if Jack could blush he would.

"So we couldn't help but overhear, you're going to La Push?" Jack asked making Jasper snap his head to me.

"Why are you going to La Push?" Jasper asked.

"Bella invited me." I shrugged. "Why? Is something wrong with that beach?"

"There's Mutts." Edward growled.

"Quileute shapeshifters that transform into horse sized wolves." Alice clarified for me making me glare at Edward.

"Just because they're spirit warriors doesn't mean they're any different from me." I glared making Edward shrink back. "I'd watch your words about them very carefully from now on."

With that, the rest of the day went by quite quickly. Jasper ended up helping me study for our up coming test before he left to hunt for the night as I slept.

The Next Morning:

I was up early, hanging out with Jasper in my room before I headed to La Push with Bella. Once it reached 10:30am I got in the shower and got myself ready, meeting everyone down at La Push by noon.

"Man, it's freezing." Mike complained.

"I'm pattling out, coats." Tyler said before running towards the ice cold ocean.

"I don't know if it's worth it anymore." Eric agreed.

"Oh, stop being a baby." I teased.

"Says the one who isn't surfing." Eric shot back.

"Because I don't know how, dumbass." I rolled my eyes, glad that my body temperature naturally raised due to my wolf genes.

"So I just keep thinking that Eric is going to ask me to the prom...... and he just doesn't." Angela stated sadly.

"You should ask him." Bella stated.

"Really?" Angela asked unsure.

"Yeah, you are a strong, independent woman." I agreed.

"I am?" Angela asked.

"Hell Yeah!" I stated as Bella said, "Absolutely."

"Bella!" A boy smiled walking up to us.

"Jacob." Bella smiled. "Guys this is Jacob. Jacob this is everyone and next to me here is Lilly, she's new to town like me."

"Jacob Black." Jacob smiled as I smiled back, shaking his hand. He must be from here, he has a faint smell of wolf like my parents and I, he must have not shifted yet, along with his friends. "That's Quil and the tall one's Embry."

Lillian Vulk (A Twilight Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now