Chapter 3: Jasper Hale

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Lilly's POV

I was running late to Biology, which caused everyone to look at me when I came through the door. Great.

"Mr. Molina?" I asked walking up to his desk.

"Ah, Miss Vulk. Welcome." He said handing me what I need for class. "I know your late, but since it's your first day I'll let it slide. You'll be seated next to Mr. Hale."

Mr. Molina gestured to Jasper who I didn't get to know at lunch because he and his brother left. I sighed and sat next to Jasper.

As class started I doodled in my notebook when I felt a pair of eyes on me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, uh, I'm sorry." Jasper said flustered. I'm surprised he didn't blush. "I'm Jasper."

"Lilly." I said. "But you knew that before you and your brother decided to not give me a chance unlike the rest of your siblings."

"Yeah, I'm really sorry 'bout that, darlin'." He said as I caught his southern accent.

"It's okay. No harm no foul." I smiled. "I like your accent. Why try to hide it?"

"Uh, it normally sticks out and people treat me different when around here so I don't use it often." Jasper shrugs.

"Well, I like it. e' davvero bellissimo." I said in Italian.

"Why thank you." Jasper smirked. "Anche tu sei molto bella."

I blushed at his compliment. No one ever called me beautiful except for my family. The rest of class sadly flew by as Jasper and I got our work done early and talked the rest of class.

I was gathering my stuff about to leave when Jasper stopped me. "What class do you have next?"

"History." I informed.

"Same here, mind if I walk you?"

"Of course not." I smiled as we walked to class. As we did, I felt a lot of people staring at me. I guess the Cullen's really don't hang outside with anyone from their family. But why me? What makes me so special? Like the Cullen's, all of them, are the most beautiful people I've ever seen. Not to mention they're the only people I've felt so cold to the touch, pale, and had caramel brown eyes.

Before I realized it we made it to class and Jasper and I sat behind Alice and Jackson. I waved back to Alice and Jackson, but only got one from Alice as Jackson looked like he was very upset, like I had hurt him or something. Weird.

"Alright class!" The teacher said, gaining everyone's attention. "We're starting our 3rd Quarter project for the semester. You and your partner will have to pick an event in history, and present it to the class by the end of the week. Remember it's worth 50% of your grade. You may use the remainder of class to start."

"So, partner, what do you wanna work on?" I asked.

"Anything really. History is my favorite." Jasper shrugged.

"How about the Civil War?" I suggested.

"That'd be great. I actually have a bunch of books on the Civil War we could go through if you come over some time. I mean, if you'd like to?" Jasper suggested.

"Okay, how about tomorrow, after school at your place?" I asked.

"Sounds like a plan." Jasper smiled before we continued talking through class, working together on the material.

After the last two classes, Jasper walked me to my locker where Bella was already waiting. She looked really upset.

"Thank you for walking me to my locker, um, Bella looks very upset, mind if I talk to her?" I asked.

"Not at all darlin'. I have to get going anyways. My siblings are probably waiting on me." Jasper nodded.

"Okay." I smiled as he kissed my cheek before leaving.

I turned to Bella who was looking at me stunned.

"Everything okay Bells?"

"Do I smell to you?" Bella asked shyly.

I sniffed a bit and shook my head no.

"You smell like strawberries. Why?"

"Well, Edward was acting really weird last period. And when I sat near him he reacted like I really stunk and disgusted him." Bella said looking so hurt and possibly on the edge of tears.

"Aw, don't worry Bella. You certainly don't disgust anyone! You are a beautiful, strong, independent woman. Don't let someone like Edward make you think any less." I said side hugging her right before we walked into the office, were we saw Edward talking to the receptionist.

"There must be something open. Physics? Biochem?" Edward asked.

"No, every class is full." The receptionist said before looking at us. "Just a minute dears." She said then turned back to Edward. "I'm afraid you'll have to stay in biology."

"Fine. Just... I'll just have to endure it." Edward mumbled to himself angrily as he left.

This caused me to scoff. "Dickwad."

Bella and I handed back our slips before heading back out to her truck. Bella dropped me off at home and left, I guess the way Edward acted towards her really hurt her more than she let on.

"How was your first day at school sweets?" Mom asked as I walked through the door.

"Great actually. I made some new friends. Oh, and before I forget, can I go over to their house. Jasper and I have to work on a project for history." I said.

"Jasper, huh? Has a boy finally caught your attention?" Mom asked interested.

"Maybe." I blushed. "But seriously, we have a project to work on."

"Yeah, that's no problem." Mom smiled.

"Thanks mom, your the best!" I smiled kissing her cheek before running upstairs to my room, trying to figure out what to wear tomorrow.

e' davvero bellissimo = It is uniquely beautiful
Anche tu sei molto bella = You are very beautiful as well

Lillian Vulk (A Twilight Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now