Chapter 8: The Wolf Comes Out Pt. 2

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Third Person's POV

"Wait, so Giovanna tapped into dark magic? What was the price?" Lilly asked.

Her mother sighed. "The price was this......"

2000 BC
3 Days Later

Giovanna was awaken from her sleep as her son shook her.

"What is it Jameson?" Giovanna asked until she noticed the screams of the villagers coming from outside. This made her jump out of bed, more alert in order to protect her family. "What's happened?"

"I spelled the house to keep him out." Jameson stated as she saw her other children, huddled scared next to the fireplace. "Siñor Élsalvadorá. He's awaken and killed his wife, slaughtering the entire village as we speak."

"Stay here." Giovanna ordered.

"Mother, no! I beg of you! Don't go out there." Regina, her second eldest, pleaded.

"I'll be back, I promise." Giovanna said then looked back to Jameson. "Spell me out with blood magic so no one else but I can get in."

Jameson nodded before his mother ran out the door, spelling as many houses as she could to protect her neighbors. That was until the "man" causing havoc upon the village stopped not to far in front of her.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered before advancing to attack.

(A/N: Imagine Pale and Red Eyed, and No Fangs)

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(A/N: Imagine Pale and Red Eyed, and No Fangs)

However, anticipating the killers attack, Giovanna raised her hand using magic to capacitate him, making the man hold his head in pain.

However, anticipating the killers attack, Giovanna raised her hand using magic to capacitate him, making the man hold his head in pain

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"Now you are gonna listen to me!" Giovanna ordered. "You are gonna leave this village at once and are never to return! If you step as much as one foot in this village you'll be slaughtered! Now. Leave!"

"You and what army?" The man laughed.

What the man didn't know was that the day after she cast the spell, Giovanna was confronted by some of the villagers, even the Vulk family who owned more than half of the village and other villages near by. They begged her to turn them into something in order to protect themselves. And luckily that night so happened to be a full moon, which she could have done as asked.

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