Chapter 13: Reunited Family

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Third Person's POV:

"Do you think she'll wake back up?" Jackson asked.

"She's a strong girl." Melissa answered. "And just so you know, feel free to call me grandma and Michael grandpa."

Jackson nodded with a smile.

"Way to make me feel old, woman." Michael teased making everyone smile at the two.

"Let's give them some space." Carlisle told his family. Everyone left the room besides Jackson, Jasper, and Lilly's parents.

"What do you think is going on in there?" Michael wondered.

Lilly's POV:

Everything was like a movie. I could see everything like it was happening right in front of me. First I got flashes of a little girl, running around a ship. A little girl who I assume was me back then.

"¡Elizabeth! ¡Torna subito da tua madre!"  A male voice said, assuming it was my other father.

"Sì, padre." The little girl sighed before running back to a women that I assume used to be my mother as well. "¿Mamma, dove andremo? ¿Perché abbiamo dovuto lasciare l'Italia?"

"Siamo andati via per tenere la nostra famiglia e la Congrega al sicuro. Le streghe verranno uccise in Europa se qualcuno lo scoprisse. E soprattutto, per tenerti al sicuro. Amerai Houston, tesoro mio." Mother replied.

Houston, TX:

I was still a child, running as fast as my little legs could carry me as I tried to catch the butterfly with my mother following after at the market.

"¡Elizabeth Strega! ¡Rellenta, tesoro!" Mother called after me, making me look back. "You must be careful!"

I was still running until I bumped into a boy with honey blonde hair.

"Ow!" Little me frowned, looking at the boy. "¿Stai bene? ¿Sei ferito?"

"Huh?" The boy asked, not understanding the language.

"Sorry, I forget. I asked if you were alright or if you were hurt?" Little me translated for the boy.

"Oh, I'm completely fine, Miss." The boy then smiled. "Jasper Whitlock at your service. You are....."

"Elizabeth Strega." Little me smiled, shaking Little Jasper's hand.

10 Years Later:

Everything flashed back so quick I was already 10 years ahead. It was Jasper and I's wedding day. I looked so beautiful and so was the service. Everyone was happy. Skip 4 months I found out I was pregnant right as the war started and Jasper joined. 5 more months and I had Jackson, he was the most beautiful baby boy I've ever seen. Jasper was able to make it for the birth and hold our son before going back to camp. A year later Jasper made a surprise visit on his sons first birthday then had to go back. Two years later Jasper has been working hard to be able to go back home for a longer period of time.

Whitlock Home, Houston 1863:

Jackson was playing with his metal army men while I sat reading a book and enjoying the sound of my son's laughter.

Lillian Vulk (A Twilight Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now