Chapter 12: I Have A Son?

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Lilly's POV:

After we arrived back from the field trip, all of the Cullen's and my parents were sat in the living room of the Cullen household.

"So why have you brought us here, son?" Dad asked Jasper.

"I think that it's time for her to know."
Jasper said looking directly at both my parents.

"Everything?" My mother asked unsure.

"Everything." Jasper nodded.

"Okay, well, Melissa, I think she should start hearing this from you first." Dad said looking to Mom.

"What is it?" I asked, slightly worried.

"Lillian, honey, do you know what the word "doppelgänger" means?" Mom asked.

I shook my head no, looking at her in confusion.

"Basically, it's an apparition or double of a living person." Carlisle answered. "I've actually stumbled across one a few days after I woke up from my change, but this specific doppelgänger had the ability to see the future. She told me she could either and my life as this or I could do what I was supposed to and lead this coven, helping them."

"Her name was Celeste." Mom said as Carlisle nodded. "And she looked exactly like you."

"So your saying I'm a doppelgänger? What does this have to do with Jackson?" I asked as he looked down at the mention of him.

"I honestly don't know, that's for him and Jasper to tell. As for being a doppelgänger, you aren't one." Mom answered.

"What?" I asked confused. "But I look exactly like Celeste and possible others?"

"Yes, while that is true. You are the reincarnation of Elizabeth Strega, the last doppelgänger." Mom answered.

"You mean, I'm Elizabeth?" I asked in disbelief. "Why would you keep this from me?!"

"Because, your mother was given strict orders from the ancestors before the blood feud. The ancestors before that time lived with wolves in peace, they told your mother, the reincarnation, a.k.a. you would bring all species together, and only tell you of your true self once you've found your mate." Dad explained, not liking how I acted towards Mom.

"I'm sorry, but why?" I asked Mom.

"I honestly don't know why this was your fate." Mom shrugged. "That's for Jasper to answer for all of us."

"Well, everyone in my family knows my story. My name used to be Jasper Whitlock. I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. It's where I found my true love, Elizabeth Strega, and she bore me a beautiful baby boy that I've only held once before I've gone off to war for the Confederacy, the youngest Major is the Texas Calvary." Jasper told.

"Sounds what a young man at that time would have loved." Mom smiled.

"It was." Jasper said sadly.

"Until?" I asked.

"Until I met a few certain immortals. Lucy, Nettie, and Maria." Jasper said, and for some reason the name "Maria" caused me to growl. "I was ridin' back to Galveston after evacuating a column of women and children, when I saw them. I immediately offered them my aid, despite my instincts tellin' me to turn around and don't look back. However, ignoring those instincts I offered my aid only to be turned and forced into Maria's army."

"Army?" Dad asked in confusion.

"New born armies were very common in the south. Constant brutal battles for territory. Maria won them all. She was smart, careful, and she had me." Jasper said looking upset. "I was her second in command. My ability to control emotions served her well, I trained her new horns. An endless occupation because she never let any of them live past the first year. It was my job to dispose of them. I could feel everything they felt. I thought what Maria and I had was love, but I was her puppet, and she pulled the strings." Jasper growled. "If it wasn't for my best friend Peter and his mate Charlotte, who I spared and let escape, coming back for me, I'd probably still be there or dead. After a while I lived with Peter and Charlotte, only feeding off the scum of humanity, but it wasn't until Jackson and Alice found me that I knew there was another way to survive. Jackson was still struggling but we did it together until our eyes were gold and Alice lead us here, to Carlisle's coven who accepted us as family."

"So, what happened to Elizabeth? To me?" I corrected.

"You died." Jackson said looking at me, tears welling up in his eyes that couldn't be released. I looked at him in confusion as he continued. "You died when I was 6. No one would take me so I was put in an orphanage until I was 17. They gave me a note that was from you, saying you believed my father was still alive, so I went searching. Along the way I was a womanizer, not my greatest moments, and obviously one of them held my child or the name wouldn't have lived on. But I was then turned one night coming out of a pub. I fed off people until I met Alice while working in an asylum in 1920. I wanted to drink from her, but something inside me told me to protect her. Another vampire, the asylums gardener, a friend of mine, helped me protect her from three nomads who ended up killing that friend as I escaped with her after the one nomad bit her. Later we met Dad, and arrived on Carlisle's doorstep."

"Wait, so your saying..... that your my..... I'm your mother?!" I exclaimed standing up and started pacing.

"Darlin', I know it's a lot to take in." Jasper said stopping me from pacing.

"Damn right it is." I nodded taking a deep breath before turning to Mom. "If I'm Elizabeth, how come I can't remember any of this?"

"Because after you died and was reborn centuries later, that life force flowed through me. I though I was going to have a miscarriage from you after going to the ancestors one final time before we ran. However, I think the ancestors sensed that this was the time to bring you back, not just as a witch, but wolf as well. To keep you with your mate." Mom answered. "However, I found that necklace in the ancestral tomb right after. The ancestors told me to give it to you on your 18th birthday, but since you my Jasper I knew you needed it earlier. That necklace has the magic to restore all those memories with the spell that kept them in that necklace. Here's how you release it."

Mom handed me a piece of paper with a spell on it.

"I read this, and I remember everything?" I asked.

Mom nodded.

"Wow, I have a son." I smiled to myself before looking over to Jackson. "We'll meet properly soon."

"Are you sure you want to do this now?" Dad asked.

"Your father is right, what if something goes wrong?" Jasper asked worried.

"I can't just stand here and look at Jackson, knowing he's my son without actually knowing him. And he deserves his mother if he has the chance. I'd want the same thing if it was my mother that forgotten me." I stated.

"You can use our room." Alice said standing up.

"Okay, lets do this." I nodded, following Alice as everyone followed behind us.

Once we reached Alice and Jackson's room there was a bed making me raise an eyebrow to Alice.

"We don't sleep, but I saw this happening, I just don't know the outcome. It went blank after it showed you falling asleep." Alice said hesitantly. "I don't know if you'll wake up."

"It's okay, I'm willing to take the chance." I nodded.

"Mom- - I- I mean Lilly, you don't have to do this." Jackson said as soon as he heard I might not wake up.

"Too late." I said getting comfortable before reading the spell and then everything went black......

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