Chapter 7: The Wolf Comes Out Pt. 1

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Lunch (Recap):
Lilly's POV:

The rest of the morning went off without a hitch. I was with Bella on my way to lunch. However, when we entered the cafeteria everyone was looking at me and whispering.

"You have any idea what's going on?" I asked Bella.

"No, but we can ask Jessica. She's the hub of gossip." Bella suggested.

"Yeah, no kidding." I stated.

After we grabbed our lunch Bella was bumped a bit to the side as both my arms were wrapped with one of Jessica's and one of Lauren's.

"Um, can I help you two?" I asked eyeing them.

"No, we just wanna hang. Maybe have a little girl talk." Jessica stated, obviously sounding fake.

"Yeah! Like how's Jasper? You guys dating yet?" Lauren asked.

"Um he's good, and no. We're just friends." I said as I sat between Bella and Angela while Lauren and Jessica day across from us. Everyone else watching us.

"Oh that's good!" Lauren stated. "That would have made things really bad!"

"What things?" I asked.

"Aww? You don't know?" Jessica fake pouted then looked at Lauren and laughed. "She doesn't know."

This annoyance is making my temper go up, and if they keep this up I'm about to loose it.

"Know what?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"That Jasper and Lauren are dating!" Lauren said with a smirk.

This made me frown deeper. My hands gripping my legs before turning into fists. "Yeah, right. He'd never do that."

Bella noticed and grabbed my hand. "Hey, it's okay, clam down."

"No? Then Ed why were we making out in the hall way?" Jessica smirked. "I guess he really just wasn't that into you!"

"You're lying!" I just about snapped. My temper about to go through the roof.

"Yeah? Is this lying?" Lauren smirked pulling out her phone, showing me a picture of Jasper and Jessica kissing.

I couldn't contain my anger anymore. I slid my chair back and stood up so hard it slid all the way across the room.

"Awww, is the birthday girls day ruined?" Jessica fake pouted making me grab her hand I heard a slight crack before she cried out holding her hand.

"Lilly!" Bella said grabbing my arm making me let go of Jessica's.

I'm starting to get so mad I don't know what comes over me as I start to shake.

"Lilly, hey, you don't look so good." Bella stated.

"Of course she doesn't. She just learned that Jasper prefers me." Jessica stated making me let out a low growl as she shrunk in her seat before I left.

I was on my way out, when of course the Cullen's met me outside.

Jasper's POV:

After coming back from hunting my siblings and I were on our to lunch when we saw Lilly storm out in our path. But that's when her emotions hit me like a brick wall. All I could feel from her was Rage, and Despair. The rage trumping it all.

"Lilly love, what's- -"

She pushed me away from comforting her causing me to fall which surprised my family and I.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!" She screamed as her beautiful brown eyes flashed yellow before she turned and ran into the woods.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!" She screamed as her beautiful brown eyes flashed yellow before she turned and ran into the woods

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