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Lillian's POV:

"Ready honey?" Mom asked coming into my room as I stood with my last suitcase looking at the empty room.

"As I'll ever be." I sighed, picking up my last suitcase, and walked outside to give it to my dad, and hopped in the car.

After everything was in the car, my mom and dad hopped in and started our trip. Now I'm sure your wondering who I am and what exactly is going on, so let me sum it all up for you...

My name Lillian Vulk, but I prefer Lilly, and I'm a witch. I come from a long line of Strega Witches that originated in Italy thousands of years ago. It passed down through my mother's family until me. However, I don't know much about my family lineage. My mother and father don't talk to either sides of their family, but they never told me why. All they tell me is that "I'll know when the time is right", whatever that means. Anyways, as for my father, he's a werewolf from the Vulk pack that also originated thousands of years ago, but in Bulgaria and expanded throughout Europe. But now that you know who I am and where I came from, it's fine for you to know what's going on. I'm moving. Again.

Now I get why you may say it's not a big deal, and for my family it's not. Throughout my entire childhood I've moved more times than I could count. However, living in Forks, Washington, according to my family, will be our safe haven, our home. But I won't hold my breathe, they say that about every new place we move to.

So that all leads up to now, why were driving in our car and where our new destination is. Wish me luck, it's gonna be one hell of a ride.......

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