24 | Not the same

19 3 2



I emptied the contents of my stomatch into the toilet bowl for the third time this morning. Ever since I had gotten back, I've been down with a fever. Thankfully, I had some medicine, which Mr. Lin had insisted I carry back with me once I told him it was a bit chilly.

After cleaning up, I headed back into the room and checked my phone. It was nearly noon, so Alan and others would still be at school.

There were 3 missed calls from Deon, and 2 from Avery. I was about to call Deon, when the phone rang.


"What do you mean 'hey'? How did it go?"

"How did what go?" I groaned into the phone.

"Your little trip to home?"

"Oh that." I groaned again, clutching my stomach. "Okay."

"Okay as in Tyler quit being an asshole or as in it went as bad as you expected?"

"Uh.. both." I sat on my bed, taking a gulp from the glass of water on the table beside the bed. "But nevermind that. How did the signing go?"

"The response was better than expected. Though my editor gave me an earful because I keep turning in the manuscripts late."

"You know you would have an easier life without all the ex-girlfriends."

"I only have like two. And they're both crazy."

"Just your luck," I laughed. "When do you plan on coming back?"

"Soon. I'm almost done here."

"Make sure you don't date another crazy girl."

"Aw, what was that? You miss me?"

"Bye Deon," I hung up on him once again before he could start to be his annoying self.

As annoying as he was, he was still the best friend I could ever ask for.

I let out a sigh, feeling worse after puking. The gray walls made the room darker when the curtain was drawn, with only a few rays of sunlight passing through it. I missed home. Wherever I was sick at home -which happened rarely- Mr. Lin and Tyler would stay by my side. Once, when it happened on a school day, Tyler had sneaked out of school just to stay with me. He had gotten an earful from dad about it afterwards. Dad would usually bring way too many medicine, and have a doctor visit even for a common cold. He was just too overly cautious.

Before I felt like I had to puke my guts out again, I threw my phone on the bed, took the medicine and tried to sleep the exhaustion away.


Ding dong.

I woke up to the unpleasant sound of the doorbell.

Groaning, I opened my eyes and squinted at the ceiling.

Maybe  if  I ignore them they'll go away.

Ding dong.

Who is it at this hour again?

I checked my phone to see that it was now 8 pm. Wow. I really slept the whole day.

Ding dong.

Groaning, I got out of the bed. It was cold, so I wrapped the blanket around me and dragged it along the floor with me.

Ding dong.

Slowly, I opened the door, standing behind it and peeking outside in case it was a delivery.

It wasn't.

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