13 | Tossing the bouquet

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"Hey, " Leo called out, and we turned around to see him walking towards us.

"You guys are up early," he remarked once he caught up.

The sun was up considerably high, and the night was long gone. It was early enough.

I resisted the urge to rub my wrists and muscles. They were stiff and hurt. Only one more night on the couch, I reassured myself.

"You too." Alan told him.

"When is the wedding supposed to start?" I asked curiously. I was too sleepy when Jane explained the ordeal.

"This evening."


"What's greeeeeat?" Jane asked, walking over to where we were standing, a blanket wrapped around her.

"The wedding," Alan replied and after a glance at me added, "probably."

"What's with the walking burrito?" Leo asked, laughing.

Jane glared at him pointedly, wrapping it tighter around her.

"Its cold up here shrimp."

"That nickname doesn't even make sense. I'm taller than you."

"I wasn't reffering to the size of the shrimp's bodies."

"Then what blondy?"

"Their brains."


"And I forgot I have to get to the room to pick up stuff bye guys." I walked away from them. As entertaining as it is, I'd rather not be caught in the crossfire.

Alan stared at them awkwardly, glaring at me as if I left him in a lion's den.

"I forgot my jacket," he finally said, pushing his hands into the pockets of his jacket and walking towards me.

I smirked.

"But Alan you already-"

"Shut up."

Once he caught up to me we walked at a comfortable pace.

"I see you found your jacket," I remarked with a grin.

He scowled.

"Shut up."


"Its okay Emma. He will be there," Jane reassured her cousin for the fourteenth time. And that was only during the last hour. Yes, I was keeping count; I was that bored.

It was nearly evening; there was about an hour to go until the wedding. And of course, the bride was panicking.

Avery and I were both with Jane, in hopes of helping her, along with a make up artist, who looked like she would do anything to get out of there soon. She didn't have such luck though. The make up wasn't done yet.

"You sure he won't-"

"Yes he won't run away," Avery answered in a monotone voice.

"And he won't-"

"Get kidnapped, yes," I replied, certain. Who would want to kidnap a man from his wedding? Besides, there were too many people around him. If it were me, I'd never take that risk. It would be a better plan to lure him out.

"And he-"

"Loves you very much," Jane told her. She then turned to us and mouthed, "kill me."

I grinned. The bride, oblivious to this, carried on.

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