10 | From banter to trouble

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I took another sip of the strawberry milk, feeling content while leaning on the metal of the railing on the rooftop, with the soft breeze brushing against my face like a whisper. It was where I felt most relaxed after the classes, where the noise and chatter faded away and lets the tranquility set. It was also where I get the energy for new ideas on composition. Of course, the fact that it was practically illegal to set foot on the rooftop made it all the more appealing.

My moment of peace is interrupted soon when I hear a noise behind me. It sounded like someone shuffling their feet. I turned around with a frown, but there was no one there. I was about to turn back to enjoying my drink when I heard it again. It came from far back, where there were some cardboard boxes scattered randomly.

What is with this school and cardboard boxes?

Of course, like any horror movie character I followed the sound. It was daytime, so I figured ghosts wouldn't prefer to scare people at this time. They do a lot of haunting and probably take a break in the morning. Most of them anyway.

As I got closer, one of the boxes moved.

Could it be a cat?

Deliriously happy at the thought, I got closer until I was looking over the boxes. It wasn't a cat, much to my dissapointment. It was Alan Leuwenhook, napping away under the sun. A feeling of deja-vu overtook me as I remembered the last time I saw him here. His dark hair was brushing up against his forehead in a soft carass, his lips slightly parted as he lay on one of his hands, the other on his stomatch.

I squinted down near him. Maybe I should wake him up. Its almost time for classes to begin again. But he would probably get angry if I did wake him up. I glared at him for a moment, considering my options. His eyes were closed forming crescents, and his eyelashes were so long that they casted shadows on his cheeks. Before I could even consider taking a picture, his lashes fluttered open, the forest green peeking through them and staring at me.

Oh shit.

"What are you doing here?" He asked groggily as if he owned the place. His voice was heavy with sleep and oddly enough, I found that appealing.

I stood up and he followed the motion, running his hands through his hair as he did so.

"Its a free estate."

"No its not. You heard Mrs. Cornwell, its banned for students." He stated as if he were explaining to a five year old why they couldn't have a cookie from the cookie jar.

"What are you doing here then?" I smirked, folding my arms across my chest.

"None of your business. Don't follow me. I'm not going to teach you anything."

"I wasn't following you. I came here to have lunch in peace. You were being too loud with your shuffling."

"So you're saying I was sleeping too loudly?" He raised a brow, a look of disbelief on his face.


He groaned. "stop having lunch here. Go somewhere else."

"Why don't you go nap elsewhere?" I countered.

"I found this place first."

"Well I found it.. twenty .. well it doesn't matter."

"Why don't you? And stop bothering me with the piano."

"Why not? Just give me a reason why you won't. I'm not asking you to have a concert."

"Its none of your bu-"

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