16 | Answers I seeked

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"What?" I jumped up, baffled at what he had just proposed.

"I don't really like repeating myself."

"You- you're really going to teach me how to play?"

"Didn't I just say that?"

"You did," I grinned. "Its just hard to believe. What made you change your mind?"

It was his turn to look baffled. He averted his gaze, a hint of pink grazing his ears.

"You don't remember?"

"I don't mostly. Its a blur."

"Then you don't need to know." He looked almost relieved at the newfound information.

"But I want to know."

"How did you get drunk so easily anyway?" He asked, diverting the topic.

I sat back down, although I felt like yelling and celebrating the achievement my drunk ass had brought to me.

Who knew getting drunk would be so useful?

"I have a low alcohol tolerance. I got drunk after a sip once."

"This is why you shouldn't take things from strangers."

"Why not? Its proved to be good so far."

He offered me his impassive face, looking thoroughly exhausted. He got up and I looked up at him quizzedly since the lunch break was far from being over.

"Well?" He questioned, raising a perfectly arched eyebrow. "Don't you want to learn?"

I was up in seconds, grinning at him. "Right now?"

"Time is precious. You can never have it back."

Well okay then.

I followed him outside down several stairs and hallways I had never explored before. We had to sneak outside, since the janitor was still keeping watch on people getting to the rooftop. It was tiring to keep up with his long strides, but since this was a golden opportunity I didn't complain.

But curse those long legs.

We stopped in the face of a large wooden door, which was in a dark corridor.

Alan casually took out the keys and stepped inside, gesturing me to follow.
It was dark inside, making me want to go out. I heard footsteps on the hard wooden floor and the sound of blinds being pulled back before the harsh daylight greeted me.

"Ugh my eyes," I cried out, covering my eyes.

"You sound like a vampire," Alan noted with a smirk.

"Well I won't suck your blood but I'll watch you sleep all night."

He slowly raised an eyebrow.

"I'm joking. Haven't you seen twilight?"


Then that must have sounded really creepy.

He took a large cloth which revealed the piano underneath. As he sat on the bench, he motioned me to take a seat next to him.

"Play something," he said, getting up to stand next to the piano.


He sighed. "I need to get a clear idea of where you're at, so play something."

"Oh, um, sure."

His green eyes watched my every move, making me all the more nervous. Frantic, like I was being observed under a microscope, but I was excited at the opportunity. My heart started beating faster and my breaths were fast and erratic. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and played the first thing that came into my mind.

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