23 | Dearly missed

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"What did you just say?" Aunt Matilda said with an exaggerated gasp.

"I said, how lovely it is to see you again." I smiled at her, and she glared.

"David, you heard her right?"

"Yes, honey. This wretched girl has no manners."

"You say that like you have any, uncle."

"What did you just say?" Uncle David's face turned red as he yelled.

"Your hearing has gotten worse, Uncle. You too, Aunt. I suggest you see an otolaryngologist."

"I don't need a oto- a doctor," Aunt Matilda exclaimed.

"Whatever you say, Aunt."

By now they had both stepped inside the room, and were a few feet apart from the piano. For dad and Tyler, this room was filled with memories of Mrs. Walter. For me, this room was filled with memories of the only family I had. The place filled with laughter and joy, where music truly found its purpose. And seeing those two walk in here made me agitated. It was as if they were trampling on the precious memories and filling it with their insults.

"Don't be so full of yourself, girl. You're just an orphan,"Aunt Matilda  spat out, folding her arms across her chest. It made her pink dress look even worse; something I hadn't considered possible before.

"Whenever you're out of comebacks, you always use that," I remarked. "Its getting a tad old now."

"You.." Aunt Matilda said, clenching her teeth in anger.

"You what?"


"Now, now, honey, calm down," Her husband interrupted her, patting her on the shoulder. He then proceeded to give me a hard look.

"This isn't over. You're never getting a penny of our money."

"Technically its dad's-"

"You're just an orphan my brother brought home. You'll never see a penny of the money."

"Technically I already saw, but don't worry, not everyone is after other's money like you two."

"What did you just say?"

"See, I told you you should see an otolaryngologist."


Before Aunt Matilda could expand on her insults, Mr. Lin appeared by the doorway and knocked politely, although the door was wide open.

"What is it, Mr. Lin?" I asked before Aunt Matilda could snap at him.

"Well, miss, master Tyler is here with the lawyer Mr. Wang."

"Take us there, butler," My uncle ordered.

"He's not an elevator, woman," I muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Let's go."

"Lead the way, Mr. Lin."

We all followed Mr. Lin to another room, which was one of the rooms dad used for meetings. There was a table and chairs on either sides of it. On one side a man with grayish hair sat, a folder in his hand. Tyler was sitting on one of the chairs across him. Aunt and uncle sat next to him, and I sat on a chair on the far end of the table, so I didn't have to breath in Aunt Matilda's perfume. It was as horrible as the pink outfit she was wearing.

"No manners," my uncle spat at me, giving me a disapproving look.

"Do you want me to sit with you, uncle?"

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