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Ignoring the surprised look on Livia's face, I sat down on the piano bench next to her. It had been a long time since I had been in the spotlight. The stage lights, the stares from the crowd, and the piano Infront of me made me feel overwhelmed. My hands started to tremble a bit. I swallowed hard and started playing, telling myself to ignore everything. It wasn't that good, but at least I was playing.

And I thought that was enough. That was until she started playing. The tempo was fast, and the tunes were challenging. From the corner of my eye, I saw her smirk.

She was challenging me.

I didn't realise it until later, but my fingers started to move on their own as if they were possessed by something. Little by little, I started playing along with her. I returned the favour and didn't back down. When the sound of applause echoed, that was when in dawned on me. I had managed to play without stopping halfway through.

After so many years, I had done it. I had played on stage.

It was a blur of camera flashes and excited voices after the orchestra. When I had finally managed to escape the spotlight, I searched for her.  I had to apologize to her.

"I'm not good with words. But I had always expressed myself through the piano. That was part of why I loved music so much. When my brother died..the way he did, it made me close myself off from music. The way I used to express myself. I was closed off. From people, from music. So that's why, when a girl showed up one day pestering me to play, I wasn't prepared."

"Well, sorry for being annoying." Her voice was quiet.

"I'm not. I'm glad you kept pestering me because I found myself wanting to play again. It wasn't easy, but between teaching you and hearing nostalgic tunes, I tried to play eventually. I lashed out at you because I didn't want to accept the truth in your words. I didn't want to step out of the walls I had built to keep away from music. I'm sorry for calling you all those things I did. I'm sorry for avoiding you when I didn't understand what to do. I'm really sorry."

Her lips pulled up to form a small smile.

"It's okay. I expected you might lash out but I still pressed on the subject. So I guess I should've known what I was getting myself into."

"Still, I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted."

There was that smile again, and I knew things were okay between us. But to my surprise, I wasn't fine with things being just okay with us.

When her writer best friend strolled in, all I wanted was for him to go away. After spending some time together, I came to know that he was just looking out for her, and that he didn't see Liv the way I did. That didn't mean there weren't others who did. The whole campus had seen the orchestra. Liv was talented, sweet, funny, charming, and beautiful. It was hard keeping all those guys away.

As the leaves fell and autumn came, we grew closer than ever. When she asked why I called her hero, I finally told her the secret I hadn't told anyone. She was angry, she was mad, and she was devastated. I didn't want to see the tears in her eyes. It was a long night we spent in the music room, playing the piano and letting our emotions flow.

When autumn was nearing its end, I found the courage to apply to the Chopin piano competition. Liv was overjoyed. Before I went, there was something I had to do. I asked my friends for help, and although they teased me endlessly and  annoyingly, they did help. So when the bus was almost at its stop, I told her.

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