Ch.17 yes I know long overdue

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A/n I decided this needed a twist;)


Blake pov

I can't believe this. My beautiful love, has decided that she can't go through surgery because of no money!? Whats wrong with her? I don't know.

"listen I know your in thinking mode but we need to talk to Chris." James said.

I sighed knowing he was right. I've put off talking to them since the accident, which was 3 days ago.

I got up, from my purple plastic chair in the waiting room and walked out the front door, not bothering to see if anyone is following me.

Once we made it to the outside, there were woods directly to the left, and thats where I ran to. Once I was in the safty of the woods I quickly changed.

I ran to the open field, hoping Chris was there.

Once I reached the outer skirts, I looked in seeing two wolves.

I could feel the alpha rolling off him.

"how is Aubrey doing?" Chris asked as soon as I walked into the field.

"better." I answered shortly.

He mustof cought on to me not wanting to talk about that because he changed the subject.

"okay... So all the rouge are killed.. As soon as she heals you guys are free to leave. Thank you for your help." he says, with pride in his voice.

He walks two steps over to me and reaches his hand out, a signal saying he wants me to shake his hand.

"your welcome." is all I answer.

He awkwardly puts his hand down.

I'm being short with him, not because I'm mad, but because I can't get her off my mind.

Everything I think about is her. I have to get back to her.

"I hate to cut this short but I have to get back..." I started backing away.

"I get it..." he answers defeated.. Looking at the ground.

"bye" I said and turned and ran into the woods again.

Aubrey pov


I woke up in a daze.

I looked at the calendar on my bedside table.

I can leave today!!!

I sat up quickly and it took me a second to realize I'm not the only one in the room.

I looked over and my heart sunk.

"w-what are you doing here?" I asked almost silently.

Chris smirked at my shyness.

He leaned forward and I automatically flinched back.

"what? Afraid I'm going to take you again?" he said menacingly grabbing my hair.

When he grabbed my hair though I felt power.

I sat up again to where I was right in his face and said in a low growling voice

"don't fucking touch me."

His eyes grew wide for the first couple of seconds showing his natural eye color, whereas I'm sure mine were burning with silver.

After he gained control he got right back in my face and said

"I'm pretty sure your not alpha so you can't tell me what to do."

Before I could even think the words left my mouth.

"your not the rightful alpha, I am and you know it."

I honestly don't know where that came from but I'm guessing that Chris knew because his eyes really grew wide and he backed off.

He started pacing the room muttering things I could not hear.

"hey. Stop pacing and tell. me. everything."

I said that with so much power that all Chris could do is sit down and listen to me.

He opened his mouth and shut it again. This went on for the next couple of minutes before I finally got fed up.

"just spit it o-" I was cut off by the door opening and voices coming through the door.

"AUBREY'S AWAKE!" ally's voice screamed and everyone looked at me. I was to busy glaring at Chris though to even care about who all was there until I felt a fire grip on my arm.

I looked up and saw Blake looking at me questioningly before looking at Chris and reaching a hand out to shake.

I tensed when Chris's hand came up to shake and I growled.

"Aubrey! What the hell!?" Blake said when I growled.

"she's been in a bad mood the whole time she's been up. I don't know what's wrong." Chris said.

"Bad mood my ass." I growled.

Blake looked at me like I was crazy.

Before he could say anything though, a growl came from across the room, by more than one person.

I looked over to see rain and Greg standing tall and looking pissed, growling.

"And you are...?" Chris asked in a tight voice.

"That's none of your business... Ra-"

Raine was cut off before she could finish.

"What are you doing here?" Greg demanded and I could tell Chris knew what rain was going to say because his face got white.

"Umm uh I was telling aubrey thanks for helping our pack." Was his smart comeback.

"Wait, what the fuck is going on!?" Blake shouted.

"I'm fucking done tryin to cover your ass. I've done it for two fucking years I'm done." I said looking at Chris then looked at Blake in the eyes and saw confusion.

I took a deep breath 'here we go aubrey'

"Blake what happened is...."

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