Ch.14 part two!

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Halfway to my hometown I heard footsteps behind me and instantly smelled blakes scent.

When I got to the edge of town, there was a hill and I walked to the top, sat down and took a sniff looking down at the town.I smelled a lot of different smells, and when I say a lot I mean TONS. To much.

I heard a growl and looked beside me to see Blake's wolf next to me looking into the distance.

I followed his gaze and looked down next to the fire station at the edge of town and saw three or four wolves I recognized from our pack with two I'm guessing from this pack fighting seven rouge wolves.

It was bloody. Two wolves, rouges, were already dead.

I whimpered and looked down.

I didn't want to fight. At all.

I felt a nudge and looked over to see that Blake had nudged my shoulder with his head.

I tilted my head sideways and through mind link asked him


'don't worry. Stay here. We can deal.' he said back.

We sat there looking at each other, when finally I looked away back at the wolves who were fighting. Clearly we were winning because there was only one rouge left.

I looked back at Blake with newfound confidence and said

'no. I'm the Luna. I need to show the pack that I can fight too.'

He nodded his wolf head and nudged his head to the side indicating to the town.

I nodded my head and he started creeping closer to the town with me right on his tail, creeping just like him.

I'm looking side to side and occasionally back, making sure there are no wolves around.

When we got to the back of the first building we saw a wolf standing there turned away from us. It was a small white one, clearly rouge.

Blake turned around and through mind link said

'I'll take this one, look out because once I start attacking more will come.'

'ok.' I answered and waited until Blake jumped through the air and landed on the back of a very surprised rouge who let out a loud howl.

I jumped around hearing twigs break and saw two wolves, one bigger than the other edge closer to me.

The bigger one growled and I growled back, much louder.

I guess I surprised these rouges by my growl because they momentarily kneeled.

When they realized what they had done they stood back up and the smaller one attempted to jump and snap at me.

I dodged to the left and snapped at his hind leg as he passed.

Feeling my teeth bite into flesh disturbed me because I enjoyed it. I'm not supposed to enjoy that!

I didn't have time to debate because as soon as my teeth bit in they were torn out by another wolf.

I left out a whimper when I connected to the ground, doing a fake hurt. When the wolf stood over me like it had won, staring down I took a quick nip at its paw, stood up, and backed away almost wanting to laugh at the wolf jumping on three legs moving his paw around.

The smaller one jumped on my back from behind but was quickly thrown off when it attempted to bite me by Blake.

I looked over and realized the rouge he had been fighting had a huge hole missing from its throat, which made me want to throw up, but at the same time congradulate Blake.

When I looked back I saw the bigger wolf stalking towards me, about four feet in front of me.

I stood my ground and starting growling low but very powerful growls.

The wolf lunged at me and this time I wasn't able to dodge it, like I was with the smaller one and it nipped at me, but all it did was rip out a few hairs.

As it landed I threw myself on it, taking a shot at its most weak looking spot, which was its side.

I was right about it being weak, as it fell straight to the ground with me over top of it, with my front two paws clawing at its side.

I succeeded getting a huge chunk of meat out of its side, which made the wolf throw its head back and howl. I took the opportunity and without even thinking about it, bit it's neck, aiming to take a huge chunk out to shut it the fuck up.

After I tore a huge chunk out of its neck it became lifeless and I threw the piece of meat in my mouth to the side and looked over to see Blake staring at me wide eyed and mouth open.

I mentally smirked and walked straight up to him.

'good?' I asked.

'great.' he answered.

'ok well we need to keep moving and keep killing!' I said confidence again in my voice.

'yes ma'am!' he said with fake enthusiasm.

A/n so here's part two... Violence much? I think so lol... Let me know what you think...

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