Chapter 1

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*beep beep beep*

I shot out of bed and slammed on the alarm clock.

Today is the day. Holy all things blueberrys. Today is the day I'm running away. All I have to do is survive today's torture and tonight I'm gone.

I got out of bed happily for once on that thought. Today I could actually take peoples torture.

I skipped down the hallway to the bathroom. I got in the shower. The sound of someone shouting brought me out of the shower before I was done.

I got out, put a towel on and crept downstairs to hear my mom on the phone. I looked at the clock. It's only 6 in the morning. What the hell is my mom doing up so early. She must not of gotten drunk last night. Wow big suprise.

"for the last fucking time. I didn't fucking take any money out of our god damn bank. Someone else stole it."

Me being the ninja I am managed to sneak into the kitchen to hear the person on the other end speak.

"I understand. Miss do you know of anyone who would know your bank account info?" it was a female speaking.

My mom answered with "hell no. I have a daughter but she barely knows anything."

I winced at hearing that. It's one thing to hear bad things from your fellow classmates but another to hear it from your mom.

"ok miss we will contact you of any information shows up. Over 1,000 dollars is a lot to just up and disappear. "

She's right. It is a lot. I thought back to when we had way more money than that. That was when my dad was alive. He worked as a lawyer and my mom worked as a dentist. We weren't the richest family around but we did have a lot of money.

Before I would've never made plans to run away. I was catagorized as the "queen of the populars". I had great friends, and a great boyfriend. Until that one day that changed my life.

You know how people say that bad things can't change your life in literally one night? Well mine did.

My dad had went out partying with his friends on Friday night while my mom was working late and expected food on the table. Well when she got home and realized that my dad wasn't home she went ballistic thinking he was out cheating on her.

She sat up on the couch with her phone in her hand waiting for him to call. He never did.

He finally stumbled through the door around three a.m and my mom was furious. My dad was so drunk he didn't even see it coming. He didn't have time to even explain where he was she instantly got in his face screaming bloody murder and told my dad he was better off dEad. So you know what my drunken father did? Went straight to the kitchen where I was and took a knife and said "Aubrey I love you now goodbye." and stabbed himself.

My own drunken father stabbed himself because my mom accused him of cheAting. My mom came in the kitchen after hearing my screams and took one look and passed out.

I called the cops and they took both my mom and father away. One dead and the other passed out.

After my mom was released from the hospital she quit her job and talked to my fathers friends about that night. As it turns out he was with them at buffalo wild wings for friday night football.

My mom felt so bad she started drinking every day. She drank so much and would always be out of control. I'd have to make weekly trips to the police station because she'd drunk drive or something like that.

I became insanely depressed. My boyfriend broke up with me and all my friends started drifting farther and farther apart. But the first time I was raped was when people started making fun of me.

I have been raped a total of four times. All by Chris Reese. The schools major star. Also the schools major douche bag. But if he says something everyone believes it.

So when he said I came on to him at Walmart everyone started calling me a slut. When in reality he cornered me in the book aisle and took my virginity. He raped me.

That's around when I started cutting myself last year. Then I got called emo. But you know what? I don't give two shits what they think anymore.

My mom turning around brought me out of my day dream. She jumped apon seeing me. Clearly she didn't know I was going to be there.

I did a almost awkwar laugh while saying sorry.

"stop laughing, and tell me who the hell took all that money." she snapped. This way nothing new.

"sorry ma'am. I don't know who took it." I lied straight through my teeth. It's not hard for me to lie. I'm good at it, seeing as I have to be a good lier for people to not see through me.

"ok well if you do tell me. I'll beat the bitches ass." was her response before leaving the room.

I sighed and went back up to my room. I threw on the cloths I left out last night to wear today. It consisted of a pair of purple skinny jeans, my purple converse and a bright yellow off the shoulder tee shirt that said fuckk offff. Ya I'm I'm a great mood today. I even teased my hair and wore black eyeliner with my mascara.

I know I look like I'm Scene. But I pull it off good with my ash colored hair and green and blue highlights everywhere. I have bright green eyes that change to a very deep blue when I'm sad. I was short at 5 foot and I had a very curved figure. To be honest I looked good and I knew it. But I wasn't cocky. Far from it.

I exited my room, making sure my suit cases and the money was hidden under the floor boards. I then made my way outside to my beat up bright green old camaro.

I took off on my ten min ride to school with three min to spare until the bell rings. Today's a record. Today is my last day at east fairmont high.

A/n photo of aubrey on the side<3

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