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I woke up in a sweat. I didn't have that dream last night but I had a weirder one. Blake had told me I'm a warewolf and he's my mate. As if.

I looked at the clock. 11:34. Shit. I have to get to the dance practice.

Hmm I wander why raine didn't wake me up. I got up and looked at my clothes.

Those were in my dream... I thought.

It all came crashing down on me.

The warewolves, mates, and my first change.

I ran to the mirror and looked at myself. Everything looked okay-my eyes.

My eyes are a very bright silver color.

What the..? I'll have to ask Blake about them.

I quickly changed my clothes to put on a pair of black ripped stockings, a pair of red short shorts, and a red shredded tank top.

I threw my hair in a messy braid and put red chucks on and went downstairs.

Only Liam was sitting next to the table in the kitchen.

"hey you feeling okay?" he asked looking at me.

"eh I've been better, I just feel stressed..." I answer looking away.

"it's okay I understand." I looked up to see him right in front of me.

He grabbed my shoulder comfortingly and I gave a small smile.

"okay well Blake asked me to bring you to him... Soooo let's go?" Liam asked.

"okay..." I said. I looked him in the eyes and was about to thank him when I was cut off.

"holy shit! Your eyes! Aubrey! This means oh my god! We have to go see Blake. Let's go." he said and dragged me outside and threw me in a black camero.

"how in holy world of marshmallows is this true. You can't be. Holy omg omg." liam went on and on as we made our way to the warehouse with me driving of course.

"can you please fill me in on what you are ranting about?" I asked puzzled as ever.

He immidiatly shut up.

"I can't. Alpha just said not to." and he went quiet.

Huh? How did he tell him just now. I was extremely confused when we pulled up to the wear house.

I looked over at Liam and he was getting out. He gave me a apologetic smile and said

"I have to go.. I've already missed most of practice."

"It's okay, go." I said with a reassuring smile even though I felt like the whole world was laying on me.

"okay goodbye." he said and got out of the car.

Once he was gone inside the building I slammed my head on the steering wheel causing it to honk which scared me and I screamed.

I faintly heard laughing and looked up to see Blake at the door of the wear house who saw it all laughing hard.

I flipped him off and calmly layed my head on the steering wheel making sure it wasnt going to honk.

I heard tapping on the glass and I looked over and saw Blake eye level with me. He didn't have a shirt on so I could see some serious muscles that made my mouth water. His whole body was dripping with sweat. He looked extremely hot.

I rolled down the window and he was smirking.

"did you like what you saw? Cause you couldn't keep you're eyes off of my hot chest." I dropped my head and groaned. I could feel the blush come onto my cheeks.

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