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"AUBREY!!!!" as soon as I got out of my car ally ran up to me sporting light skinnies and a yellow tank top. Her hair was straightened and teased and she had a whole bunch of make up on.

"hey! We need to hurry so you can meet my friends and get your schedual!"

"hey and ok..."

Ally must of sensed my discomfort because she then grabbed my arm for us to stop walking and met my eyes.

"you will be fine. Everyone will love you I promise."

That still didn't make me feel any better but I put up a good fake confident face.

"oh and by the way cute outfit." she said turning and walking away grabbing my arm for me to keep up.

I was wearing a pair of green skinny jeans with orange, yellow and blue splatter paint on them along with a white off the shoulder tee that had been splatter painted every color of the rainbow. Colorful I know.

As we got closer to the school I could finally get a good look. The school was 3 stories and absolutely huge. It looked like it could hold at a minimum of 5000 people.

As soon as we entered the school all the heads turned to see me. I quickly ducked my head getting ready for insults. When none came I looked up to see people smiling at me.

Shock instantly filled my face. I looked in wander as people smiled and waved to me.

Ally seemed to know everyone because every step we took I heard 'hey ally!' or 'ally, who's your friend?'

Ally just smiled and nodded not really answering anyone.

We went through different twists and turns until we stopped in front of a room with the words 'main office' on the front.

Ally quickly opened the door and rushed me in. The room smelled like peppermints and had a warm feel to it.

The walls were a soft peach color with mahogany cabinets. The scene made me feel very comfortable. In the very center of the room sat a huge desk with two older looking ladies sitting behind it.

As soon as we walked in they looked up from their work and smiled.

"you must be Aubrey?" when I nodded my head, one of the ladies continued. "well hello. My name is ms. Jones and this is mrs. Harper." mrs. Harper gave me a warm smile before digging into one of the drawers.

After a couple of seconds she pulled out a white folder and gave it to me.

"here is your scedual. If you get lost or need help please feel free to come back here and we will get an escort for you." ms. Jones said.

"thank you. I'll keep that in mind." I said while smiling. These ladies truely did make me feel better. They were extremely nice.

A very impatient looking ally grabbed my hand and said

"bye aunt v! Love you!" and started dragging me the the entrance of the room.

I heard a lady chuckle and said "love you to kiddo."

When ally had me out in the hallway she started walking. I didn't want to get lost so I quickly followed.

Once we were in the hallway I actually looked at the building, and saw that everyone's locker is done differently. When I asked ally about this she said "everyone can style their own locker." I also noticed that about half the school had a symbol on their locker. It's a dragon.

"Is that for your dance group?" I asked.

"yes. I told you a lot of people are in it." she answered with a duh voice.

Dance mother fu*kerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon