Chapter 4

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Isabel's POV

"It's not as bad as u think it Isa" Hailey said over the phone.

"Your only saying that because yours turned into to u getting married"I gave her a look.

"Do you even know who your doing it with?" Bella asked.

"honestly no"

"Well Ima tell u right now It isn't one of us" Kylie said and Hailey and Bella agreed.

"I wish it wore me though cuz I would definitely liked to be spoiled from you" stassie Joked

"Don't I spoil you enough?"

"No you spoil your hoes and Kendall more than us"

"Yeah Stass has a point there anyways I got Stormi just woke up and I gotta feed her"

"Yeah same Justin just came back and we're going out"

"Ok well I'll see you two later"I said and they left now it was stassie and Bella in the call.

"Y'all gonna leave too or y'all wanna help me get ready?"

"Nah Ima leave that to Bella anyways call me later and tell me how it goes" Stassie left the call to me and Bella now.

"Alright Bells your helping get ready for this double date I have"

"Ok I gotchu"


After What felt like hours of finding the perfect outfit we finally found the one.Since it was pretty cold in LA Bella told be to put on a sweat shirt with one of those collar things,Bdg Jeans,one of those vintage leather Jackets,High top converses,my signature rings,and that perfume she got me but I don't know what's it's called.Now I was finishing applying my eyeliner until Bella asked this out of the blue.

"Isa what has Kendall been doing when she's with you?"

"We've just been going out" I lied because Kendall would kill me if I told Bella she gets fucked up.Plus Bella is scary as fuck and so is Kendall.You should've seen them when they found out about Madison.

"Don't lie to me Decreo what has she been doing?" Now she was stubborn and asked a scary way.

"She's just been drinking like normal people do at Clubs" I said and she let out a sigh of relief but it wouldn't be relieving if I told her the truth.

"It's just that she's been so distant lately like even at the photo shoot we had yesterday I asked her if she wanted to come over and watch a movie with me she said no she had something to do after that and I found that weird because any time we have available together she always says yes"

" why don't you talk to her" I say as I put on gloss.

"That's the thing every time I wanna have like a decent conversation with her she always has something do to or go hell she barely answers when I call or text her,I feel like she's just tired of me and my shit"

"Shes definitely still in love will with you trust me and she isn't tired of your shit she would do anything for you but she's tired of Abel getting in the way"

The love between us (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now