Chapter 12

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Madison's POV

Me,Banana,and Julia were hanging out today because it's Christmas and Banana is going back to see her family while me,Julia,and Isabel are going to New York.Our families are both small so we usually spend Christmas together.But on New Years we spend it in LA partying the Jenners/Kardishians,The Hadids,and David with his Vlog squad.But here's the thing Nick invited me on road trip with him to San Diego to spend the Holidays with him and his mom because he wants me to meet his mom and I haven't told Isabel about it.I obviously said yes to this because he asked me way before Isabel started dating.

"So did you tell Isa about that road trip yet?"Banana asked taking a sip of her iced tea.

"No not yet sadly"

"Mads if she finds out last minute it's gonna break her heart" said Julia and I sighed.

"I know I wanna tell her today but she's in the studio today and she's supposed to meet up with her mom"

"Did you even tell Nick about you no not going?" Julia asked.I shook my head and they both made a look.

"Well Mads you better do something fast or else in 2 weeks from now something bound to happen in the mean time why don't just go to my cousin's house drink a couple white Claws and chill in her heated pool" Julia suggested.

"Why Isa's house?"

"Heated pool duh plus unlimited amount of white Claws"


We didn't go to Isabel's house just yet because we had to get our bathing suits and more drinks cuz Julia wants to get drunk.

Time skip

When we got to the house we didn't think Isabel was gonna be home.All I could hear was a voices and heavy breathing in the Kitchen.Wtf is going I thought until I saw Pebbles whimpering in the corner, Kendall wrapping Isabel's stabbed stomach,Bella trying to calm Isabel down,and Isabel holding gun while crying.

"BABY" I ran towards her with tears coming out of my eyes and Banana ran towards pebbles to calm him down.I got down on my knees and she wrapped her arm around me while trying to catch her breath.

"Wtf happened?"

"Isa's mom stabbed her then Isa shot her mom while the mom ran away" Kendall explained.

"That crazy bitch tried to hurt pebbles so I shot her after she threw a knife at me" Isabel said in a soft voice trying to speak up but she was in pain and held the gun tighter because she shot her mother in anger.

Ok I know this a short ass chapter but I needed some type of filler before the Boom.Anyways today I was at the store and when I walked past the La croix I immediately thought of the horror of the other chapter sorry La croix.Also I'm turning fucking 18 in a few weeks and Idk how to feel.

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