Chapter 14

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Madison's POV

Yesterday I would say was a mess and it just got messy.Nick really said me and him had sex like tf I would never sleep with him or even leave Isabel broken again.I just got her clean and back and this guy really has the balls to fucking say all that shit.I wasn't even leaving with him to San Diego I told him that.

"I don't know if your brain is scrambled from all the Molly you take but I never said that if fucking spread a lie like that I will fucking come for you Nick so I suggest you leave and leave me alone because we were never a thing" I pulled his shirt towards me then pushed him out leaving him scared.Wow Isabel is rubbing off on me in a good way but now I have to rush to the Airport and get on a plane to New York.I was supposed go with them on Giovanni's private jet but they probably left.


Isabel's POV

"You know we haven't done this in while" my dad says while him and Oscar cuddle into each other.

"Yeah its good to finally spend some family time" said Julia.

"I'm just shocked Isa didn't tell me I was a grandpa" Oscar said and I chuckled.

"Sorry I was planning on telling you guys but I just was so busy that everytime we were together I forgot to tell you"

"It's fine anyways I'm tired so I'll see you guys in the morning night you too" my dad said and went with Oscar to the front of the jet leaving me with pebbles on my lap and with Julia.

"You ok?" She asked as I laid my head on her shoulder.

"Yeah just tired" I yawned and mumbled.

"Ok well if there's anything bothering you I'm always here ok?" She ran her fingers through my curly strands.



Time skip

The fresh cold air of Brooklyn hit my face and messed up my hair as we drove to the house that I grew up in.When we got there my ass felt so numb that when I got down and Jazmin,Ariel,my grandma,and auntie attacking me with a huge hug did not help at all.

"Omg I missed you guys so much" Said my auntie in her accent.

"We've missed you too" my dad said back.

"Now you four get settled I just started cooking" my grandma said to us four.

"Yes abuelita,yes mom" we said unison and went upstairs.

There wasn't really much to unpack but something did hit me.Carmine didn't come up to say hi or hug me because supposedly he was out and now he's back riding his skateboard while Juuling.His mom gonna kill him if she found out that he's smoking that shit.So I went outside to one stop that kid and see what's wrong cuz he looks depressed as hell.

"You know your mom is gonna kill you if she found out your Juuling at 15" I said as I walked towards him.He snapped his head to my direction as he exhaled.

"So what everyone else smokes why can't I do the same?" He sassed back.

"Because you should be better than us not be like us" I snatched it from his hands and broke it.

"Isa wtf" he shouted.

"Trust me Carmine it's for your own good now tell me what's wrong because Everyone says you've been bitchy"

"It's non of your business" he tried walking away but I gripped his arm hard.

"Carminè Jose Decreo you better tell me what the hell is bothering you right now or I will tell your fucking mother" I spat and looked him dead in the eye.Damn I feel like I'm a mom.He rolled his eyes and sat down while sighing.

"Fine I'll tell you what's bothering me"

"So there's this girl named Maya she's sweet,kind,funny,adorable, and the most beautifulest person I've ever met in my life and we kinda have a thing going on but she's scared of getting into a relationship because she thinks I'm gonna cheat on her like her ex boyfriend Julian did"

"Wait hold tf up you have a girlfriend and I haven't met her?"

"Yes but that's not the point she has trust issues and doesn't trust me I want her trust me I want her to know that I'm not a douche bag boy who's gonna no hurt her"

"Well you should show her and tell her that,I know your good guy so what does she like?"

"Uh well her favorite snack is sour patch kids so I can get her that and make her one of those friendship bracelets also She's a big fan of yours so can like surprise with one of your hoodies"

"That all sounds like a good idea but I know something better than my hoodies surprise her with me"

"Oh shit yeah that's a good idea thanks Isa" he hugged me and ran inside.

"Your welcome" I chuckled and walked inside closing the garage and went upstairs just to go probably take a nap with pebbles.


Damn it's 9:00 already how long did I fucking sleep? Eh whatever anyways what woke me up was Taylor texting me to see if I was available to hang out today because she's going back home the next few days.I had nothing to do So I said yes and just put on my hoodie and air forces that I weared earlier.

Madison's POV

When I got to New York the first I did was go stop at my moms house to to drop off my bags then go to The Decreo's house because she was supposedly going over there to ask Isabel's auntie to do her nails.Which also means I can apologize to her and tell her what Nick said was a lie because and just wanted her to go away.The bad thing was when we got there she was already out with Taylor and even if I tried calling she would decline it.

Time skip

It was now 12 and she still hasn't came home everyone by now was sleeping.My mom left me here because I told her I was gonna stay here and wait for Isabel but as you can see she hasn't came back.Then a hour later I heard the door open and it was fucked up Isabel.Her brown eyes were piercing through me when me made eye contact god Idk if she's mad or about do something.But she didn't she just came on the bed and snuggled into me with out saying a word.

"I'm sorry"

"I'm the one who should be sorry what Nick said was a lie he just wanted you to leave but I told him that were over and told him to leave me alone other"

"No Mads you don't understand I kissed Taylor"

"It's ok I know your drunk just go to bed and we'll talk about this in the morning just know we all make mistakes and I love you no matter what"

"I love you too"


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