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My bag was slung over my shoulder as I headed out, making sure to put on a coat since it was fairly windy out. Vanessa had already asked me to meet her by "the wall", she added that there was something very important she had to tell me.

"River!" Vanessa said, as she came running up to me with open arms. I smiled as we hugged; her warm embrace rushing nostalgia over me.

"Vanessa.. Wow!" Was all I could get out. Her hair was a beautiful shade of blonde and it reached past her breasts. Her eyes were a shade of blue that made you feel lost.

"I know, I know. So, the reason I didn't tell you why I left was because I'm seeing a special someone." Vanessa said this as her eyes lit up. The men that popped into my head were the milk man, Jimmy down the block or the newspaper boy.

"Don't get mad, but uh... it's Harry. Harry Styles," Vanessa spoke.

"Oh my gosh."

"Please don't be mad," Vanessa pleaded.

"Your dating a man from the other side!" I couldn't believe this. How was she able to get to the other side? Why didn't she tell me? I was confused by my feelings, was I mad or just jealous? Probably both.

"We met here everyday," Vanessa told me, looking at the wall that divided the two sides in front of us. "His father had sent someone down here to see if there was any one available for his son (Harry), apparently his father saw me and now well were planning the wedding and-"

"You have got to be kidding me? You just met the guy and now your getting married! And why would they look for woman here all the beaut-" I stopped as I saw tears brim Vanessa's eyes.

"I'm sorry, I truly am happy for you," I said exchanging a fake smile.

"Well I guess you don't mind coming to the dinner tomorrow night! See you then," Vanessa spoke before she quickly left, soon waving me a good-bye.

I didn't know if I was surprised by how quickly her mood changed, or that I would be stepping on the other side for the first time in my entire life.


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