What happened? Jace's p.o.v.

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I don't understand. What the hell did I do wrong? Yesterday I couldn't wait to get to school and see my mate. Then everything changed.

She walked into the door, her scent alone was enough to drive me crazy. Then I saw her and my jaw literally dropped. She looked so beautiful. Like an angel.

I smiled to her, she just walked right past me and sat in the back of the room.

"What the hell did you do now?" Lizzy asked me.

"Nothing that I know of" I turned and looked back at her."Alex" I whispered but I knew she heard me. She stiffened when I said her name.

I couldn't help myself. I kept taking glances at her. She truly was breathtaking. She never once looked up at me or anyone else.

Every class, she avoided me like the plaque. When it was time for gym she just sat and read. She never would look up.

At lunch I looked for her, but she never came in. God damn it. School couldn't possibly drag on any slower. When the last bell rang I ran to find her.

I could see her walking, not to sound like a stalker but I followed her. She stopped at a small park and sat on the swings. I couldn't hear what she was saying but I could hear her laughter. It made me smile.

She sat there for hours and just giggled at absolutely nothing. Maybe she's crazy? That thought made me smile.

Dark came to early. She jumped off the swings in mid air, and fell on her ass. I was ready to help her but she just got up smiling and started walking away.

I followed her to a small house,she walked inside. She seemed perfectly fine.

"Then why is she avoiding us?" Ryder asks.

"I don't know but I'll fix it."

I watched all the lights in the house turn off. Bye my beautiful mate.

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