Help me

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The pain was excruciating. My arm was in fact definitely broken. Wanna know how I know? The fugly pink cast on my arm was starting me in the face. My back hurts, I have to be careful when I either sit or lay down. Fuck that my entire body ached.

At least he was careful to not hit my face this time. I don't have any friends so maybe no questions will be asked. What the hell am I supposed to say happened? God why does this have to happen to me?

Father didn't let me go to school today. I guess that's a good thing. Too many questions. But thanks to my "accident"  I didn't have any chores or have to wait on him foot and hand. My father knows people. so no questions asked about my "accident" that caused so much damage to myself.

But my first cast had to be redone. My wrist started swelling and burning. Eventually after almost two hours of me crying in pain, he took me to get it fixed. Gee thanks dad.

All day I've been inside this house by myself. Crying most of the day. I know I shouldn't I mean yes my life is pretty sucky but I also know that it could get worse for me. The beatings and others things. Luckily my father's just a jackass drunk.

I know it sounds stupid but I missed school. School was my only escape from my hell of a life.

"I wish things could be different, I miss you so much mom." I whispered to myself.

"Why did you leave me alone with him!" I was so angry but also hurt. I didn't mean it. I just say things when im upset.

School tomorrow.....time for a bath. I looked down at my casted arm. Fuck me I thought. I slowly made my way to the bathroom."Lord give me the strenght"I prayed.

Do you know how hard it is to button or unbutton pants with one hand!? Then I stumbled almost tripping pulling them off. And my shirt got stuck on my cast. I hurt myself.

Finally I got in and turned the water on warm. I had to put this stupid bag thing over my cast so it wouldn't get wet. The warm watter hurt my bruised body causing me to wince.

Try soaping your body with one damn hand. Then came the real bitch. Wahing my hair. I got out as soon as I could. Towel drying my hair and body. I carefully put on an over sized shirt and undies. It's tiring doing everything with one arm.

I carefully laid down on the bed, pulling my covers up over my body.

I definitely wouldn't be ready for what tomorrow would bring.

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