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I got this idea off of a comment from a friend on my soudam headcanons book

No spoilers

Non despair au

Fluffy, comedy

Warnings: None!


-Gundham's POV-

I currently sat on me and my lovers couch, staring off into the ocean animal documentary on my television as I cuddled into the blue shark plushie in my arms.

I miss my mortal.

Kazuichi was currently out of town, he had to go fix someone's car off into the town next to ours. He said he wouldn't be back for about two days since he had to go to separate shops to get the gear to fix the car.

I remember not waking up with him next to me this morning, it was kinda sad since we always wake up together and talk about what were gonna do today.

But, for now I'll just cuddle with the shark.

My devas sat on my lap as I smooshed my face into my shark plushie, it reminded me of him. As weird as it sounds, it's quite comforting. 

I jumped up as I suddenly heard the front door open, my devas scurried back to their cages, scared as to who could be at the door.

No one else has the key accept for me and kazzy-

"Hey baby! I'm home early the guy actually got his truck burned In a fire it's on the news a lady got h- Gundy?"

Well, there stood my boyfriend in all his glory. Blue jumpsuit on and his medium hair back into a ponytail. I didn't realize he was actually there until he started walking twoards the couch, a confused expression on his face.

Oh, I forgot he didn't know about my shark.

"Umm- I can explain-" I burried my head into the shark in embarrassment. He probably thought I was weird for this-

"Where the hell did you get a shark from?" He sat down on the edge of the couch, ruffling my already messy hair in a fond way.

"I-I missed you! You foolish mortal..." I turned my head a little so I could see him better, only to see is hand on top of his mouth. Trying to stiffle a laugh, which was going poorly from the light  giggles I heard.

"Pfft- your saying your snuggling with that shark because you missed me?" My cheeks burned a deep red as I got up and headed twoards our bedroom to wallow in my own embarrassment.

"N-NO baby come back I think it's adorable! " I hear clacking shoes on the tile before I'm tackled into a back hug by the pink haired mechanic.

"Don't be so pouty~ I was only laughing because your so cute~" I spun around, arms crossed. Staring into kazuichi's eyes to see if he was lying to me.

After awhile of him holding me by the waist and kissing me on the head as an apology, I gave in and nuzzled my face into his shoulder. I didn't care that he smelt slightly like car oil, it felt like forever since I last seen him.

"Mmm, Missed you..." I held on a bit tighter, as if kazuichi would leave if I let him go.

"I missed you even more, bunny" he rarely used that nickname, but he knew I love it, So I gave his jaw a little kiss.

"Wanna watch shark week with me now, mortal?"

"Are you gonna cuddle those sharks to?"


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