{45} Lesson One

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**3rd Person's POV

Sunday, the last day of the weekend, the last day of rest. Most of the class A students were taking this day to relax and prepare for the start of the week. However, both [m/n] and Midoriya were off to their own work studies location for the day. The night before, [m/n] had been sent a video of all the student who failed their provisional license exam during the exam. He wasn't given instructions other than "watch and observe" So that's what he spent Saturday evening doing.

He had arrived earlier at the location of where the make up classes would be taken as he was instructed to. He changed into his hero costume and went out to the area where Gang Orca was waiting for him.

"Good Morning, Gang Orca" he bowed, the pro grunted in response

"You ready"

"Y-Yes" [m/n] nodded his head quickly

"Good, lesson one" his voice boomed "assert dominance!"

"H-Huh?" [m/n] looked at him in pure and utter confusion, head tilting to the side, with a huge question mark appearing above his head. What's happening?

"You lack assertiveness, boy" the pro said "You give off a very timid and passive vibe, but in this world that's not gonna work. Do you portray yourself in this manner so people won't connect any harsh behaviour to being a villains child?" [m/n] felt his throat go dry and his heart squeeze inside his chest "i'm not saying you should scream all the time and be more aggressive. There are ways you can assert dominance with all of that. The way you hold yourself, the way you stand, walk, talk, the way you look into others eyes"

"W..what do you mean?"

"Relax your shoulder" [m/n] did as he was told "spread your feet apart a little bit... lift your chin up... clasp your hands behind your back" compared to his previous stance, shoulder hunched up, feet inverted, head down, now he looked more confident, and all he did was change his stance "make people know who you are, make people notice when you walk into a room, make them feel your presence without having to utter a single word"

"...I-If I may ask... why are you teaching me all this?"

"There are cruel people even on the hero side, they'll see you as easy going and take advantage of your kind heart. You don't have to change who you are as a person... but you must let them all know you are not someone to be messed with."

"I see..." [m/n] nodded understandingly

"You see that door...?" the pro pointed at the entrance "Soon, a group of kids around your age will flock in through there, full of anticipation and excitement, ready to learn and pass their make up exams. You are going to help them with that too. They all know who you are and maybe some of them judge you for your background, but you can't let that get to you. You're in charge of them now. Be blunt, he ruthless, be assertive. Make them know that despite your age they can't look down on you or see you as an equal in this setting. This isn't the place or time for you to be buddy buddy. Understood?"


"What was that?"

"Yessir!" [m/n] said boldly.

"Did you watch the video?" [m/n] nodded "good, cause you're going to go around one by one telling them where all their errors were and how to fix them."

"Ehhh!??" [m/n] swears his heart nearly flew out of his chest right then and there "wait a mi—"

"Shush, here they come" the pro cut him off "do not disappoint" [m/n] cleared his throat, willing himself to rid of the look of panic on his face. He straighten up his back, shoulder relaxed, chin up and his feet point out instead of in. He watched carefully as each student came in, matching each person to the videos in his head.

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