{17} Surprise Mother Fucker

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Note: there's a spoiler in the video at 0:12 about hunger games... I just thought I'd put that out there, just in case. Enjoy~~

**3rd person POV

"I won't forgive you" [m/n] growled, he charged towards him and got ready to cut him but Stain dodged his claw and got katana and aimed for [m/n] but he caught the blades with his claw.

"[l/n] duck!" Todoroki yells, [m/n] quickly jumps back and in that instant Todoroki attacked with his ice quirk. Stain jumped back dodging the ice and then used his Katana to cut straight through the ice. He's strong the two U.A. students thought but they continued to attack him nonetheless.

"why are you three..." Iida murmured as he laid motionless on the ground "why... please stop" he pleaded "I've inherited my brother's name, I have to do it, that guy's mine!"

"You inherited it? that's strange" Todoroki said as he poured his flames at Stain, then he used another ice attack "the Ingenium I saw didn't have that look on his face though" [m/n] slide on the ice attempting to injure Stain, but Stain pushed him back "You've got a lot going on in the scene behind your family too, huh?"

"Todoroki-kun, [m/n]-kun" Midoriya groaned, realizing he is now able to move.

Stain broke through the ice wall with swift cuts of his katana

"To block your own view against an opponent faster than you... what a foolish plan"

"let's see about that!" Todoroki yelled as he lit the flames on his left arm, but Stain threw two daggers right into his arm

"Todoroki-san!" [m/n] yelled, he takes his ninja stars and throws then at Stain but he deflects them with his katana and one of the ninja stars flies back and leave a long cut on [m/n]'s cheek

"You're both pretty good too!" Stain smiles creepily as he gets ready to cut the two with his katana, but before he could do that Midoriya comes flying in and drags Stain across the wall with one for all, like the hero he is.

"Midoriya!/Midoriya-san!" the two yell

"I can move normally now!" Midoriya yelled out

"His time is up already?" [m/n] said 

"but [l/n], didn't you say up to 8 minutes?" Todoroki asked

"the time also depends on the person blood type, I believe"

Stain elbows Midoriya and makes him to fall on the floor

"Get back, Midoriya!" Todoroki yells as he attacked him with his ice making him jump back, then [m/n] rushed to help Midoriya up and moves back

"Hero killer Stain, his quirk is blood curdle, depending on the persons blood type the time limit varies, and I'm guessing since yours is type O it has the least effect, Midoriya-san"

"whoa, you know a lot [m/n]-kun"

"I wanted to hurry up and carry these two out of here, but he can react so fast, he can avoid ice and fire. I can't leave myself that open. I think our best option is to avoid close combat until the pros get here"

"my reflexes are just as good as his, I can avoid your ice and fire attacks too, Todoroki-san" [m/n] states "you two get the pro hero and Iida-san out of here, I can hold him off long enough"

"No way, [m/n]-kun!"

"That's too dangerous"

"[m/n]-kun, you and I can distract him, Todoroki-kun you've shed too much blood, you can support us from behind"

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