{20} Rescue Race

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Note: voting thing at the end of the chapter (you'll see) Enjoy~

**3rd person POV

After the secret meeting with Takahashi [m/n] was been feeling a bit lost about his feelings to Takahashi. He wasn't sure whether he hated and despise him anymore, because now he's starting to thing that he was a heart. But he also thought that Takahashi was playing with him again, Todoroki told him that even if this 'All For One' thing was after him that he and everyone else would definitely protect him and that he doesn't need to go with Takahashi. Luckily, the students were done with the internship and were finally returning to school, so [m/n] could get his mind off the situation. 

"Seriously! Seriously! Bakugou!!?" Kirishima and Sero could barley control their laughter at the blonde smoothed out hair. 

"Stop laughing!" he shook in anger "My hair's gotten used to it! so it won't go back even after I wash it!" he growled "Hey! stop laughing! I'll kill you!" he threatened but the two only continued to laugh

"I'd like to see you try! side-part boy!" Sero teased as he continued his laughing fit 

"what'd ya say!?" he bursted out, causing his hair to blow up back to its original way

"It's back!" they laughed

Ashido, Jiro, Asui were talking about what they did during their internship then they saw Uraraka doing martial arts move with a purple aura surrounding her and her eyes white. According to Kaminari she had awaken after her week at battle hero's place

"That's a huge change for just one week" Kaminari said to Mineta

"Change? That's not it, Kaminari" Mineta said "Women are all demons, they're just hiding their true personalities" he said bitting his finger in complete fear

"What did you see at Mt.lady's place!?" Kaminari said concerned for his well being, he grabbed his hand out of his mouth "I was kind of fawned over and had a good time. But the ones who changed the most, or at least went through the most, were you four, right" He looked at Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, and [m/n]. The three stood by Todoroki's desk

"Oh yeah! The hero killer" Hero piped up, completely ignoring the fact that he was being held in the explosives blonde's arm

"I'm glad you guys made it out alive, seriously!" Kirishima join, also ignoring the fact that he was held in Bakugou's other hand. better hope they'll make it out of this situation alive.

"I was worried" Yaoyorozu said

"I heard Endeavor saved you guys, right" Sato asked as other students came closer to them

"That's amazing! as expected from he number 2 hero" Hagakure added

"Yeah, he saved us" Todoroki said looking down, Midoriya, [m/n], and Iida looked at him 

"Yeah" Midoriya nodded with a small smile. Kaminari talked about the video with the hero killer and how he was so single-minded and how he kind of thought it was cool, causing Midoriya to scold him. He realized the situation, because Iida was there and he quickly apologized. Iida, however, was understanding and wasn't offended or anything.

"In order to keep anyone from turning out like me... I will once again walk on the path of becoming a hero!" he made his signature hand moves

"Yeah! Iida-kun" Midoriya smiled

"Now, it is time to commence class!" he said out loud "Everyone take your seats!" 

"He's so loud" Tokoyami said to himself 

"Its cause you talk about weird stuff, Kaminari" Jiro scolded

"Sorry about that" he held his head down. [m/n] smiled to himself Glad you're back, Iida-san he thought, but suddenly he inhaled sharply when he felt a sharp pain in his ribcage causing him to fall on his knee holding the place that hurt. And as quick as it came, it left. Shit he cursed

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